"Those aren't pillows!": "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" (1987)

Episode 121 November 30, 2024 00:36:31
"Those aren't pillows!": "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" (1987)
How Bette Davis Saved My Life
"Those aren't pillows!": "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" (1987)

Nov 30 2024 | 00:36:31


Show Notes

Will John Candy and Steve Martin kill each other before they get to their final traveling destinations? Find out with us as hilarity ensues. It's one of your hosts first time watching!

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[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hollywood. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It's that time again for the one and only show that you need to talk all fun, good hearted fun about smack about Hollywood classics past current and we, George and I are so cold blooded we can talk about future Hollywood classics. That's just Amen. [00:00:25] Speaker B: That's so true. [00:00:26] Speaker A: That's just how wild, wild and crazy girls we are. And see, I did that on purpose. You caught that Georgia. [00:00:33] Speaker B: I sure do. That's a tribute to Steve Martin right there. [00:00:38] Speaker A: And I'm mentioning Mr. Steve Martin. And first of all the name of this show everybody is How Bette Davis saved my life. Life lessons from Classic Hollywood. I'm Moya. [00:00:51] Speaker B: And I'm Georgia. [00:00:52] Speaker A: And we are so delighted to share with you today. That's why I did that reference to the late well he ain't dead Steve Martin, but unfortunately his co star is. But yes, Plane, trains and automobiles like I have on the screen, starring none of it, like I said, the one and only Steve Martin. And a more calm down Steve Martin than his earliest work. And we'll talk about that in the late great John Candy and everybody. I was a Planes, Trains and automobiles. And I'm gonna start calling it PTA because that's a lot to say. Virgin, very rare because usually George is the movie virgin. And so I hadn't seen this before so and, and I always forget Georgia to feel my reaction. I mean I don't, I'm not good at that. I don't really have a reaction like so we can talk about that too. Like some people film themselves reaction this, this movie to me. Well, we'll get into that. But anyway I hadn't seen it. I enjoyed it. And we'll get into that in a second. What I, what I did enjoy about it. So yes, Georgia, get us started on this classic. What is 1980s 1987 holiday film? PTA? Yes ma'am, that's right. [00:02:14] Speaker B: PTA was written and directed by John Hughes. And John Hughes was so prolific in the 1980s because he had made previous to this all those teenage targeted movies like Sixteen Candles and the Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink. And then he, this was his first adult centered movie. [00:02:36] Speaker A: Wait, George, I have a confession. I have not seen Sixteen Candles and what was the other one your name? [00:02:44] Speaker B: Pretty in Pink. [00:02:46] Speaker A: No, I have not seen it. I saw it once a million years ago. So okay, I guess guys we're going to add that to the list. What I don't, I was, I was a kid back then and I don't know, I guess I was into cartoons and all that. So that. That, to me, that was like adult stuff. So I gotta. I gotta go back in time. All right, ma'am, go ahead. [00:03:04] Speaker B: They're worth watching. There are a lot of. They're great movies. And he also did Ferris Bueller's Day off and Home Alone. [00:03:12] Speaker A: Yes. So those two, definitely. Because like, I guess Ferris Bueller, maybe I was like a tween or something. So, like you had to watch Ferris Bueller because that was like a coming of age, like the rebellious teens. And of course, who in their mom, everybody named Mama saw Home Alone? I guess so. Yes. All right. [00:03:32] Speaker B: Yeah. So I just wanted you to know that John Hughes, although he left us at only age 59, the inspiration from this movie is. It's a true inspiration for him because he actually was just like Steve Martin. He was a New York ad executive and he made regular trips from New York City to Chicago. And that is what gave him the inspiration to write and direct this movie. [00:04:02] Speaker A: Wow, that's crazy. [00:04:05] Speaker B: It is. It's really. It is crazy. So you have in this movie a lot of really fun cameos. You have Kevin Bacon who just finished filming She's Having a Baby. And he begged, begged. He goes, I don't care what kind of a stand on role you put me in, but please, I want to be a part of this movie. And so he is. And then you also have David McLean. And you know him from Laverne and Shirley. He played David Mlan is this movie. He plays the cop. And you have. [00:04:37] Speaker A: Wait, wait, wait. But where do we really know him from? Say it with me, class. Better Call Saul. [00:04:45] Speaker B: Oh, right. Oh, Better Call Saul. [00:04:47] Speaker A: Yeah, you haven't looked at it, right? You haven't looked at. Did you look at it? [00:04:51] Speaker B: No, I haven't. [00:04:52] Speaker A: Oh, girl. Now wait, you're gonna make this. We're gonna make us stop the whole show and talk about that because George. So you. Wait, guys, I'm sorry, we're getting off track. You did look at Breaking Bad, right? [00:05:03] Speaker B: I did. [00:05:04] Speaker A: Okay. [00:05:04] Speaker B: I binge watched it. [00:05:06] Speaker A: Absolutely. So, okay, well, home girl, please go and look at Better Call Saul. And so this guy, what you say his name is? [00:05:14] Speaker B: I forgot, David McLean. [00:05:17] Speaker A: Yeah, McLean. Because. Right. How this man transformed himself from Lenny, from Lenny and Lenny and Squiggy fame until this brilliant dramatic actor is crazy. So. And he. He kills it on Better Call Saul. So. Yes. So anyway, Georgia, you gotta watch Better Call Saul so we can talk about that. All right, Go ahead. [00:05:36] Speaker B: Okay. I'll put it on my to do list. Moya and we also have, if you've watched, as many of us love to watch again and again, Ferris Bueller's Day Off. You know, the school principal secretary, Edie McClurg. Eddie McClurk is. Plays a rental car agent. I'll just say that you gotta watch it. [00:06:00] Speaker A: Yes, but. And she's also famous for so going back a million years ago again, what was the show? The Harper Family, Then it became with Sandy Duncan. I don't know. Anyway, I'm dating myself. I don't care. She was Mrs. Pool, the neighbor. Do you remember that show? Oh my gosh, yes, yes, she was Mrs. Pool and then she was the voice. She's been on like a million things. Then she was the correct cartoon voice for. Was it Bobby's World or I, I can't remember all that. But she has such a distinct voice, so you know it's her. So. Yeah. Is she still with us? [00:06:35] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:06:36] Speaker A: Okay, I'll look it up and see Eden McClurg. I gotta look that up. Okay, go ahead. [00:06:41] Speaker B: Clerk. And then also Ben Stein. [00:06:44] Speaker A: Yes, Bueller. Nice. [00:06:48] Speaker B: That's him. That's him. Okay, so there you have, you have like some great cameos and you've got such amazing. What chemistry these two have. They are amazing. And I'm going to talk to you a little bit later on about how they were together in real life. So I'm going to go ahead and start off with a plot just in case you don't know what this is about. It's very relatable because if you've ever experienced delays in travel, unfortunately, yes, you will relate to what happens to the guys in this movie. So we have a very simple plot. Okay. Steve Martin plays an ad executive who's how shall we say? He's very uptight and he's kind of smug. And John Candy is pretty much his opposite. He's like jolly and garrulous and he's big hearted and he's talkative and he carries this giant trunk with him wherever he goes. And, and get this, this cracks me. I cannot say it without a stray face. And he's a shower curtain ring salesman. Shower curtain ring salesman. [00:08:09] Speaker A: Georgia. I know because you told me, say Moya, pay attention to his career. And I was like, okay. And so then I was like, okay, what is going to sell like hemorrhoid pillows or something like something crazy like that. And so I was close. It was something ring like, like. So I don't. I was like, oh, okay, well look, it worked out for them. But don't judge. [00:08:31] Speaker B: But he's a very effective salesman. You know, maybe, you know, like, not like big time, but for what he does. He's very good at what he does. Anyway, Steve Martin's character is trying to get home for Thanksgiving, and the two keep crossing paths as they encounter these cataclysmic pitfalls, calamities, setbacks on their quest to get home in time for Thanksgiving. And, you know, during the 1980s, we all had big lines from mo. From movies that were very memorable. You know, you had, like, ET Phone home. That is, nobody puts baby in a corner. [00:09:14] Speaker A: Yes. What. What the hell happened? [00:09:17] Speaker B: You had wax on, wax off. I'm having what she's having. But this. But the. The takeaway line for this movie is those aren't pillows. [00:09:31] Speaker A: Yes, yes. [00:09:35] Speaker B: So anyway, so there's your setup for the movie. [00:09:42] Speaker A: And then they literally had to take all three modes of transportation and each one more calamitous. I. I don't know. I think the automobile was the most calamitous one, obviously, because. And it's so funny. So, you know, we just did the Blues Brothers. Not. Well, maybe two. Maybe going on two months ago, John Candy made an appearance in that. A cameo. The Blues Brothers obliterated that freaking car. Their car had. And I don't know what it is about a John Candy movie. I see a theme here. They obliterated another car. I was like, if you didn't think they could. A car could be more obliterated than the Blues Brothers car. The car. Well, I was trying to see what kind of car was it. It looked like. It looks like. It looked like a John Voight Voight car. Seinfeld reference there. But it looked like a Chrysler LeBaron. But I'm not sure what it was. Do you know what kind of car? But I have to look that up, too. [00:10:42] Speaker B: No, I have. [00:10:43] Speaker A: No, but we've all seen this car. That car was really popular. If you know what the car is, put it in the comment section and we'll try to look it up and see. But girl, they told that co op, and I was. Girl, I was dead. [00:10:56] Speaker B: Oh, I know. Oh, my God. And it kept on going. [00:11:03] Speaker A: Oh, And I kept thinking, was this a risk? I said, this might have been dia. Diabolically clever by the car company, because you could say, hell no, don't tear our car up. You know, whatever. But I wonder. The sales of that car went up because it took a licking and it took several lickings. It kept on ticking. So kudos to them if they. They Thought outside the box. Because who wouldn't that car made kit from Knight Rider look like a. Look like a push and go. The that what that car went through, it was so funny. And I try to find a picture of it. [00:11:41] Speaker B: You know, one of the things that I have found out during my research about this movie is that it is a custom for many families to watch this movie at Thanksgiving. And you know, when you think about it, there are only two holidays that we celebrate that are very, very uniquely American. And so if you're watching overseas, you know, you know, those two holidays are the 4th of July and Thanksgiving. And so many of us Americans, we feel this pull to be with family at Thanksgiving. And so that's why you're seeing why they're so willing to go through all this chaos is to get home and experience that warm embrace of being with family and eating turkey and pumpkin pie. [00:12:31] Speaker A: Absolutely. And Georgia, that just warmed the carcles of my heart, as they say, what you just said. That sounds like a commercial for a Hallmark card or some cake or coffee. That was beautiful. [00:12:46] Speaker B: Oh. [00:12:52] Speaker A: Look, I found it. It was a LeBaron. I was right. [00:12:55] Speaker B: Oh, my God, Moya, you're amazing. You guessed it was a LeBaron. [00:12:59] Speaker A: It is. So let me see if I can get a picture of it. [00:13:02] Speaker B: I think my grandmother may have driven one. [00:13:04] Speaker A: Girl, that's so funny. [00:13:05] Speaker B: She had a Chrysler something or other. It was big, like it was a land yacht. Like that. [00:13:15] Speaker A: Can you. Yeah, the ugliest, best Chrysler Baron. And so that's why I said the John Voight car, because those of you who are Seinfeld fans, y'all know George Costanza thought he had the joint V. John void Try to say that V. John VOICE the actor's car when he rented a car and he found a pencil in there with some teeth marks. So just go look at the episode. I Seinfeld was needless to say, one of the best because they could take the most ridiculous idea and nothing, just throw away idea and make something totally ridiculous out of. So anyway, JOHN VOICE CAR so not only you, George Costanza, but Steve Martin and John Candy's character was riding in the dog on John boycott. How you love that. So, yeah, and then look at it. [00:14:07] Speaker B: That my grandmother had that car. It was a different. It was like, I think silver crazy. But that was her. That was her car. [00:14:14] Speaker A: How long did she have it? [00:14:16] Speaker B: A long time. [00:14:17] Speaker A: So these are. Those cars were very durable. [00:14:20] Speaker B: Oh, extremely. [00:14:22] Speaker A: That's funny. Now let's say see all seven photos. I will not because I Will veer off our story because I like car especially so. This is, like, vintage, obviously. So I. That girl, if I got. If I was rich, like Jay Leno, shout out to him. He injured himself recently. Did you see that? [00:14:40] Speaker B: Yes. Oh, my gosh. [00:14:42] Speaker A: You know, some people. Now, I ain't got no proof of it, but some people are like, bro, really, you fell out. You like a hundred. What you doing near here? A curb is the Grand Canyon for you. What are you doing? So, anyway, it'll look a little funny, but I'm gonna get back on our story, so go ahead, ma'am. I'm sorry. I digress. [00:15:04] Speaker B: Well, you know, both John Candy and Steve Martin said that this was the favorite of all the films that they made. This was their favorite film. They had the best time. They had such a good time filming it. It was so much fun. And. Yeah. And I believe it. [00:15:23] Speaker A: Mm. Well, they had to have some type of chemistry, if you will. And because Georgia, it was a. I'm not gonna say it was a dramedy, but it was, in certain point, parts of it. The production, the writer, Houston, and the production of it. Rarely do you get a good balance of comedy. It ain't at all comedy, slapstick action, that you can blend all that and then have such a. Sometime a very dark and sad story line running through it, you know? [00:16:02] Speaker B: Oh, that is. Yes, Moya, it's. And, you know, the thing that I have to say is that John Candy gives such versatility. He can not only be funny, but he embodies such humanity. I mean, there's something about him that is just so real and so likable. So even in a movie like this, where you could compare it to maybe like the Odd Couple or even, like a Laurel and Hardy show, I mean, I. I think a lot of people have been saying about this role is that he delivers the best performance of his career in this movie because he can play comic, poignant, and he. It really elevates, right. The. This movie because of their performances, and particularly for me, his performance. You know, a lot of people would say, well, maybe the ending feels like it was tacked on. No, it doesn't. No, because of what he was able to do in the way. What his. His expressions and his demeanor and the way he delivers lines. It is just. It is very moving and touching and a very powerful way. And, you know, it's amazing that he's been gone for 30 years because he left us, I believe, in 1994. [00:17:29] Speaker A: Okay. [00:17:30] Speaker B: And. Yeah. [00:17:31] Speaker A: Wow. That time has flown. [00:17:32] Speaker B: I mean, he was shocked. [00:17:35] Speaker A: I remember we heard that. Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead. [00:17:38] Speaker B: Yeah. Look at. I mean, the man plays such vulnerability and such humanity. But. And then John Candy's own son Chris, in an interview said, you know, John Hughes captured my dad's essence. [00:17:54] Speaker A: Wow. Wow. [00:17:56] Speaker B: I'm sorry, Maury, was there something else you were. [00:17:59] Speaker A: No, I was just saying that it just was a shock. I mean, I, you know, I didn't know the. I didn't, you know, it's not like it is now with social media and people put all their business on the street. You know, everything about everybody. But I was shocked when he died. I mean, was he ill? Do you remember? I don't even remember it. Just like he just died. No, he wasn't. [00:18:17] Speaker B: He was 43 years old. [00:18:18] Speaker A: He was so young. [00:18:21] Speaker B: He was actually filming a movie called Wagons east, and he was in Mexico, was down in Mexico at the time. And he died in his sleep of a heart attack. [00:18:32] Speaker A: Wow. [00:18:33] Speaker B: It was very. It was unexpected. [00:18:35] Speaker A: Dang. And of course, we know he was corpulent or he was overweight, probably morbidly obese. And so that just lends to akin, because certain people are losing weight. Like I just say, like, Lizzo is losing weight. And what's the girl from Australia got the funny name? Rebel. Whatever. [00:18:54] Speaker B: I know who you mean. [00:18:55] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Named Rebel. Rebel something, you know, Rebel Wilson. Okay. Yeah, she's lost a lot of weight. Melissa McArthur. Well, she's still plump, but, you know, you wonder, all these people's gonna be as funny when they're not big. Was being. Or as entertaining in Lizzo's case, if they're not that size. Was their size a part of their gimmick? And, you know, you're not going to know until you see their post weight loss work, but I hope that's not the case because, you know, I believe John Candy was funny regardless. So those of you. We knew John Candy originally from sctv, right. Which was hilarious. Like the Canadian version of Saturday Night Live, it was as funny, sometimes funnier. And so a lot of those stars, Eugene Levy and Andrea Martin, I think. I think Martin and this book, I mean, a lot of people came from SCTV and came to America and was very successful. And of course, we know Steve Martin from Saturday Night Live and. And we did the Jerk. Him, the Jerk like a girl. That was probably one of our first few movies, A Jerk a million years ago on here. So. But what I want to say about Steve, he, you know, because he was always the wild one. Right. But how do you balance each other off. And Steve, he got wild when it was time to get wild. So I. I don't think I had never heard him curse like that. Curse? Look, he cursed out Eden McClure's character when at the rental call place, which was hilarious. And she got him back, which was hilarious. Like, y'all this all new to me, so just bear with me. But girl, I don't think I had heard Steve. Steve Martin get raw like that in a film before. And I've never. I haven't seen a lot of his early stand up. But I love how he was, you know, the straight man, if you will. But when it was time, he let any. And. And he let John Candy do his thing. But like I said, it was so low key the comedy with these two men. And then all of a sudden, guys. So one of my favorite scenes. So Georgia, I had seen this movie in bits and pieces. I didn't realize that. And so girl, one of my favorite scenes. And I saw this problem. I kid girl, when it was this, this scene right here when in the back of this truck and it. Girl, y'all. So those of you, like I said, are two people besides myself and my husband who haven't seen it. So they are kudos to them. They mean they. When they say hook or by crook, they mean it. So in the back of this truck. And everybody was a character who they met. And so the dog that was in the back of the trunk. So this is the scene I remember because I was like, oh my gosh, I saw this scene. And so when John Candice said just give him the GD card, girl, don't know why that's funny to me, but I remember seeing it as a kid, just that part, I guess. And girl. And that cracked me up. So it cracked me up again. Then the dog, them and the dog something happens to. Now it's freezing where it is freezing. So when they finally get to wherever they being dropped off at, these two men and the dog are transformed. That's all I'm gonna say. Like that the girl that just tore me up. [00:22:14] Speaker B: Oh, me too. I laughed so hard at that. Oh my God. That was hilarious. [00:22:18] Speaker A: Oh my God. [00:22:19] Speaker B: And then the woman, the. The man that picked him up and what he said about his wife, that line I still roll on the floor. I mean, laughing funny what he says about her, right? [00:22:33] Speaker A: Oh. [00:22:33] Speaker B: Oh my God. [00:22:35] Speaker A: Right. You. And guys, you have to pay attention. Don't like this is one of those movies. And here are the. The actors with the Ms. With Houston here, Right? Yeah. You have to pay attention. Like you would think. Like, you know what, George? I think people would just think this is. Oh, this is a silly movie. It's. It's not. [00:22:56] Speaker B: No, it's not. [00:22:57] Speaker A: Every scene means something and you have to pay attention and pitch perfect acting, pitch perfect casting. [00:23:03] Speaker B: There's little clues or little Easter eggs along the way that John Candy's dropping. You gotta pay attention to him. [00:23:10] Speaker A: Right, Right, right. About why he is who he is. And. And then also you can say the same about Steve Martin. So Steve Martin is more upfront. I'm a businessman, I'm an exec. Gotta get to my family. This is it. I don't be bothered. And look, so, so Georgia, you know what they did? You either fall. So your personality either falls in the Steve Martin camp, his character, or the John Candice character. And of course you have some overlap, you know, so the overlap is the people around them. Right. The people you meet. So George, I gotta ask you, which camp do you fall in as far as personality? Because this is not just who they are traveling. This is just. This is who they. And that's why I like the movie was so smart. This is who they are, period. So which camp do you fall in? Steve Martin or John Candy's camp? [00:24:00] Speaker B: John Candy. I can see that one second's hesitance without hesitating one second. [00:24:06] Speaker A: I consider you. So I know you are so sweet and just upbeat and like something has to be going terribly wrong for you to just, just lose it, I guess. And you know how to rough it so you can. You know me, I am. I'm Steve Martin. I'm Steve Martin and I'm sure enough Eden McClurg. [00:24:31] Speaker B: You know Moya about Edie McClurg in that scene? Well, first of all, that's what gave the movie is R rating because otherwise it wouldn't have had an R rating. Yes. But Edie McClurg to this day still says people will come up to her and say, Tell me that two words. The two words. [00:24:48] Speaker A: She's still with us. She's still. She. Yeah. So she's 79 and she's still with. Let me, let me do a picture of her. Let's see. I don't know as what's a more recent picture? Let's see. Still looks the same. I don't know. I don't know how recent this picture is. But let's. Here she is. So, Mrs. Pool, so those of you who used to look at, look at the Harpers or whatever it was. The Harper Family? What, that dude, Jason Bateman? Yeah, he. He was on there and all that. [00:25:27] Speaker B: Yeah, the Hogan family. [00:25:28] Speaker A: Yeah, because it was. Yeah, it was two different things. It was, it was. It was because Valerie Harper was on there first and then she left because of money or whatever. Then. Then it became the Hogan family and Sandy Duncan joined. Why do I remember that? I can't tell you what happened yesterday, but I can remember that foolishness. So. But, yeah, but anyway, so she was Mrs. Poole. And I said, love to hear. Well, you. I love to hear Eden McClure talk. Anyway, but they were like, Mrs. Poole, she's so cute. [00:25:57] Speaker B: Oh, she was. And she was also a regular on David Letterman's show. Yeah, she was. [00:26:02] Speaker A: I don't remember that. [00:26:04] Speaker B: Yeah, she did, huh? [00:26:05] Speaker A: Get out of here a little bit. [00:26:06] Speaker B: Like little, you know, just little vignettes or something. Yeah, okay. Exactly. But, you know, I want to tell you something about. People don't know about the affection that Steve Martin had for John Candy, because when John Candy passed away, Steve Martin was going through a divorce. And so you know what he did? He briefly moved in with John Candy's widow and children to help them get through the tough time of losing him so suddenly. And so he also was also getting away from his soon to be ex wife. Yes, that's true. But, you know, Steve Martin also gave a eulogy at John Candy's funeral. I mean, that's the degree of caring that he felt for John Candy. And you know, as I read a lot of reviews about this movie, I felt, and a lot of people think that out of the hundreds of movie reviews that Roger Ebert did, the one for this movie is his very best one. And Ebert tells how he actually met John Candy in person for the first time. He was sitting at a hotel bar. They were both going to be on a TV talk show the next day. And so he says that John Candy didn't seem to know that people loved him. Or else it just, it wasn't enough. But he said he was such a sweet guy, but he was kind of down on himself and all he wanted to do was make people laugh. But sometimes he tried so hard. And he hated himself for doing that in some of his movies. And so Ebert thought of his character. Thought of his character, Del. There's so much of that in him in that role that it transforms the whole movie. And the director, John Hughes knew it. And he captured it again in another movie that John Candy did called Only the Lonely. Steve Martin knew it. And he played straight to it. [00:28:04] Speaker A: Yes, I did see that, and it wasn't that funny. But again it was John Candy stretching out and it's like him and it's just tragic. Him, Belushi, all the big boys, Chris Farley like and it's. But you know, they said some comedians make the best dramatic actors because of unfortunately the tragedy in their life, you know, and they can tap into it and just better than some so called dramatic actors, you know, so. And Uncle Buck. How can I leave out Uncle Buck? I didn't. [00:28:40] Speaker B: Oh my God, I love Uncle Buck. [00:28:42] Speaker A: I've never seen Uncle Buck. I've seen bits and pieces. I was a kid, I had no control over the remote. Georgia. So you gotta see Uncle Buck. Are we going to put Uncle Buck on our to do list and stick him in? Maybe, maybe we'll find a way to. Is that like a Christmas movie too or. [00:29:01] Speaker B: No, no, not at all. [00:29:03] Speaker A: Okay, cool. All right, so we'll. [00:29:05] Speaker B: No, no, he's his, he has to babysit the kids. [00:29:11] Speaker A: Okay. [00:29:11] Speaker B: And, and then I'll just take it from. You'll take it from there. And Lori Metcalf, do you know from the Roseanne show? [00:29:18] Speaker A: Yeah, I love her. [00:29:19] Speaker B: Yeah. And she was very nervous and he was willing to rehearse scenes with her over and over again to make her more at ease. And so it's that beautiful character and personality that John Candy has. And you know, one of the things that John Candy did. And let me tell you something, only Alfred Hitchcock would do this, but John Candy would know every crew member their first name. And at the end of each day of filming he would shake everyone's hand and thank him. And that was. John Candy was a wonderful warm hearted man, just a beautiful soul. He really cared about everyone and there was nothing fake about him. He was truly interested in different people and was interested in everyone. And I'm just hearing all these stories coming out about how John Candy was. [00:30:04] Speaker A: Wow. Wow. Well, what a, what a, you know, what a loss. I remember like the rest of the world just being shocked. Even I was a kid. I didn't, you know, I didn't know lot about him. I just, I still, I knew him more from SCTV and he used to crack me up that Rick Moranis. You know, all these people came from Canada and just it was the Canadian invasion back then and just killed it in Hollywood. So. But I just, just being shocked when he died because like I said, he was just, he was everywhere he was when he came out, he. And I think maybe he filled that void that Belushi left and without being Belushi. Because it's so easy to just. I'm pretty sure they had people telling him, just, you know, you can be the next Belushi and blah, blah, but he didn't do that. Good. Good for him. He had to be himself. So. Yeah. But I thank you for that background on him. Well, guys, I am a PTA Plane Transit Automobiles version. No, no more. I totally enjoyed it. I would. I would look at it again. I might look at it with my. With my husband and I. I can't remember why I say he said he didn't look at it. I guess he just. He just missed it. But anyway, because he likes Steve Martin. I believe he liked John Candy. But anyway, guys. So a happy Thanksgiving, by the way, everyone. [00:31:24] Speaker B: That's right, everybody. Have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving. [00:31:28] Speaker A: Absolutely. And I hope you don't have to go through pta. PTA equals ptsd trying to get home to your loved ones this holiday season. So. Speaking of that. So, Georgia, we have a little scheduling update. What are we doing for our next broadcast? Our next podcast? [00:31:54] Speaker B: Well, what we're gonna do is we're gonna do what we call, like a rerun. And we have a double door. [00:32:03] Speaker A: Double door. Yeah. Our first quote unquote reaction video. So it's. It's wonky, guys. It's wonky. We had no idea what we're doing. We didn't have. We had different tech, obviously. You'll see, but we enjoyed it. So go and look at it on. It's free on YouTube. It's a wild pre code. I guess Thriller is. Is not New War. It's not. No, it's a thriller. When you say Georgia. [00:32:32] Speaker B: Yeah, it's definitely a thriller. It's very suspenseful. [00:32:34] Speaker A: And we did it as a Christmas gift for whatever. Was it a Christmas or Halloween gift? I can't remember anymore. Everything's running, remember? [00:32:43] Speaker B: Oh, you got me. [00:32:44] Speaker A: I think we, for whatever reason, we want to make it a Christmas gift. I don't know, y'all. It was weird. But anyway, so we will have that up for you on the 7th, and then we'll return live. Georgia, when do we return live? Let me pull up the calendar. [00:33:01] Speaker B: Oh, we return live on the 14th. [00:33:07] Speaker A: No, no, no. Live again on the 4th. So we. So till. Not till January. [00:33:14] Speaker B: Yes. [00:33:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:33:15] Speaker B: Fourth one. We do King of Comedy on the 4th. [00:33:18] Speaker A: Yes, yes. So shoot. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. [00:33:21] Speaker B: That's right, everybody. [00:33:23] Speaker A: Merry Christmas. So. But we will have a. So we won't be live again till the 4th with King of Comedy, like Georgia said. But we will have a pre recording of Georgia, what's our Christmas movie for the 21st? [00:33:39] Speaker B: Our Christmas movie on the 21st is Die Hard. [00:33:43] Speaker A: Die. Yes. What did you say? [00:33:53] Speaker B: It won't actually fall on the 21st. No, because I'm gonna be out of town. [00:33:59] Speaker A: Well, no, we're recording it. [00:34:00] Speaker B: I'm recording it on the 21st. Okay. It's gonna be Die Hard. Yes, ma'am. [00:34:03] Speaker A: So it'll be uploaded. Guys, I am so sorry. We are confusing the hell out of you. Anyway, we ain't gonna miss a beat over here. You will have. So look for double door, Die Hard, King of Comedy, coming up. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Happy Thanksgiving. And you can listen or watch us while she's cooking your meals and your family's there. We greatly appreciate it. So subscribe, share. And, like, we really, really, really enjoy being with you. So for how Betty Davis saved my life, I'm Moya. [00:34:32] Speaker B: And I'm Georgia. And I dedicate this podcast to my late sister because one of her favorite lines in the movie and she got other people in my family saying it was the line, my dogs are barking. [00:34:47] Speaker A: Oh, Lord, George, everybody says that. [00:34:54] Speaker B: That's what I thought, but apparently not a lot of people knew that what it meant. [00:34:58] Speaker A: I could not give your sister credit for that rip. But we can't give her credit. I'm glad she appreciated it. [00:35:08] Speaker B: She did appreciate it. She would say that a lot. People go, why are you saying that? [00:35:12] Speaker A: Really? Well, you know, we old school, of course. Classic Hollywood. And that's all the people would say back in the day. Oh, man, my dogs are bark. So I said that. [00:35:19] Speaker B: I know. I thought everybody said it. [00:35:21] Speaker A: Yeah, I recently. So look, we caught in a time loop, you know, so we need to come up to the 21st century. But yeah, I said, girl, I said that the other day. I said, man, my dogs are barking and not even realizing. So I think subconsciously I got that from pta. Plane, Trains and Automobiles. Because I. Girl, there's no way I would have ever said that. So I think he. What is that movie? Inception. That into my mind. Oh, Inception. We need to do Inception. Have you seen Inception? [00:35:49] Speaker B: No, I haven't. [00:35:51] Speaker A: Okay, so, y'all, we are. We gotta go. But we are programmed all into next year, so I'm gonna put Inception. Georgia put Inception on our list. Love that movie. I need to see it again because, like, you can see it 10 times and still know what the heck is going on. So. So we'll have that for you. But, guys, happy, happy holiday. Merry Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving New Year. We appreciate you so much. Thank you for listening to us and our foolishness all around the world. And especially the good old US Of A. You guys take care again. I'm Moya. [00:36:22] Speaker B: And I'm Georgia. [00:36:23] Speaker A: And we're really leaving this time. Guys. Take care. See you soon. [00:36:28] Speaker B: Bye.

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