Middle-aged Women Beware!: FEAR + THE WALL= "The Sty of The Blind Pig" (1974) and "Reckless" (1997)

Episode 95 December 02, 2023 00:48:04
Middle-aged Women Beware!: FEAR + THE WALL= "The Sty of The Blind Pig" (1974) and "Reckless" (1997)
How Bette Davis Saved My Life
Middle-aged Women Beware!: FEAR + THE WALL= "The Sty of The Blind Pig" (1974) and "Reckless" (1997)

Dec 02 2023 | 00:48:04


Show Notes

Alberta, "The Sty of The Blind Pig" and Anna, "Reckless" could not be from more different backgrounds, yet they both make the same type of rash and irrational (IMO) decisions based on fear and anger amongst other emotions.  Starring Mary Alice and Francesca Annis respectively. 



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[00:00:20] Speaker A: Greetings, everyone. This is Moya with How Betty Davis Saved My Life, with a new segment for How Betty Davis Saved My life. Life lessons from classic Hollywood called Late to the Party. As you can hear, the party's already started, and what I mean by Late to the Party is recent movies s that Georgia and or I have recently seen and you've probably already seen, but we want to talk about them. So sit back, relax and enjoy this brand new segment of how Betty Davis Saved my life. Life lessons from classic Hollywood called Late to the Party. Yes, we are back and you hear my buttons clicking. I got to get it together, guys. I'm flying solo again. And when I'm flying solo, it's time for Late to the Party, and I am so glad that you guys are here with us. And shout out to Georgia, she left me again, y'all. But we always have a great time on this segment of how Betty Davis saved my life. [00:01:42] Speaker B: Like we said in the intro, Late to the Party. [00:01:44] Speaker A: And we have two movies up for you this time. And I just want to say I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Yes, I hope it was filled with family and friends and lots of love and lots of good food. I hope you didn't eat too much where you started feeling bad and I didn't eat too much. I kept it light. But I was thinking about our movies today and like I said, we have two. The first one that I mentioned last week is the sty of the blind pig. And let me just say hello and welcome to all of our new YouTube subscribers. Thank you all so much for subscribing. Thank you to our Facebook, family and friends, all the great pages and groups that we're a part of. Shout out to you guys. And this recording, I am recording live, but I won't be live at our regular 01:00 P.m. Time because I'm on vacation, too. Let me just be honest with you, I took myself and my brain offline, but I put it back online to do this episode for you. So yes, although we are not going to be actually live at 01:00 p.m.. This recording is live. But you know, you can always hit us up on our Facebook page, DM us, let us know what you think, always comment, share, subscribe. We love, love, love hearing from you guys. And of course, you can always suggest movies for us to talk about. So for those of you are Late to the Party as well, or new to How Betty Davis Saved My Life, we always try to have a life lesson incorporated into these movies, or the movies already have the life lessons, we just point them out. Let's put it like that. So late to the party. Like I said, these are some, maybe newer movies, or not necessarily, but just new to us. So the first movie, as promised, is called The Sty of the Blind Pig. So let me just pull this up for you so you can see what I'm talking about. It's actually a play. It's actually a play. And it's from the I'm going to show you a preview clip of this fantastic play that from I believe it was produced in California. And it's from Philip Hayes. Dean. And I just want to just look at a little background from and because it stars some people you may or may not know. If you're from a certain age, you would know who these people are. But let's see if you can spot the stars or the celebrities. So here we go again. It's a play. I saw this for free. For free. Because you don't got to do this on YouTube. Saw it. [00:04:44] Speaker B: I believe on sue snell lives. [00:04:47] Speaker A: Check out her YouTube channel. We're going to actually be doing I think it's two movies from Sue Snell. And I could be wrong. I'm sorry if it's not on there, but I think that's where I saw it from. But this is our first one. So the style of the blind pig. Again, I'm getting this off of IMDb. And even though it says it was originally produced in 1971 by the Estimable Negro Ensemble Company, and I do believe this was produced in California, and it says it's held by Time magazine as one of the best plays of the year. Dean's powerful drama is about an uprooted African American family, mother, daughter and uncle living in Chicago. But it's so much more than that, ladies and gentlemen. It stars Mary Alice Madie Norman and Scatman Crothers. So Mary Alice, for those of you and this is a picture of her. I'm going to get a better picture of her. Those of you who are movie and TV buff, you know this woman's fate. So let's scroll down a little bit. She just recently died, 2022. Can you believe that? But she's been in everything. So you see where she was born in Mississippi, but the Matrix Revolution, I know you all know her from that because she was the what do you. [00:06:09] Speaker B: Call it, the Oracle. [00:06:12] Speaker A: Yeah. And I might click on I don't want to click through all this stuff. But yeah, they had this first Oracle and then she died. And then Mary Alice took over that role. And then Mary Alice. But I think she got ill or something like that. [00:06:26] Speaker B: But anyway, she was the Oracle. [00:06:28] Speaker A: And correct me if I'm wrong, that's fine. But Awakenings, you know, this movie, I believe this was the one with look at this, y'all. I am a Godzilla fan. For those of you who are audio listening, we're on IMDb and they're showing all these clips of these movies and stuff. But anyway, so this is Mary Alice and then she was in Malcolm X in 1992, winner of Primetime Emmys and just a fabulous actress, and she kills it. She gives an acting clinic. [00:06:59] Speaker B: Well, everyone does in this play. [00:07:01] Speaker A: And we'll get into that in a minute. But for you TV buffs. So she was in this movie with Kevin Costner right here. But I just won't skip to this. This is where I know her from. Good time. She played let me put they won't do it. [00:07:20] Speaker B: Yeah, here we go. [00:07:21] Speaker A: Yeah, the woman, she was an older woman, and she had gotten pregnant and she didn't want the baby. So she was going to give the baby up for adoption in Florida and thought like, oh, come on, man, don't do that. And so that was a really powerful episode. Most of the Good Times episodes were powerful. So I remember her from that. And then, of course, I remember her from my favorite television show of, like, all time from Sanford and Son 1972. Now, these weren't as funny, the later Sanford and Son episode, but she played Fred's sister, and she had married a white guy. Fred freaking out stuff. Look, the 70s were beautiful episodes. You could never do now because people would lose their ever loving minds. But I love the prior to that, people say whatever they want suffered a consequence, and they really weren't in there. People had a sense of humor back then, and so she was in that. So that's where I really know her from. All right, now, for those of you who are old heads like me, let's see. Let's find Scatman crothers. Now, you all should know who he is because he is an entertainment icon from back in the day. All right, so let me find him real quick. And then we can also go and see. And she's been on everything, just still talking about I mean, look how long her career was. And she managed to even go into the mainstream. So let's go and see about Scatman Crothers. And I don't know why the IMDb does Scatman. You should know, like, if you're of. [00:09:07] Speaker B: A certain age. [00:09:10] Speaker A: Scatman Crothers. And I'm going to share my screen. [00:09:13] Speaker B: Let's do him now. [00:09:17] Speaker A: So if you're like, from the guess. [00:09:19] Speaker B: Maybe the late eighty S. You know. [00:09:22] Speaker A: Who Scatman Crothers is. And I know he has a funny name, but he was an all around entertainer. [00:09:29] Speaker B: He also was on Sanford and Son. [00:09:31] Speaker A: So this is Scatman Crothers. And he was born I didn't know this. Benjamin Sherman Crothers, may 23, 1910. [00:09:39] Speaker B: And he's been dead a long time. [00:09:41] Speaker A: But he sang, he danced, he acted. And this is my first time, maybe my second time seeing him in a dramatic role. But those of you, of you who know The Shining, the original Shining with Jack Nicholson, he was the black, what they call it, groundsman. And I won't give it away. Everybody should have seen a Shining by now. But he had a really pivotal role in that. And here he is with Madam, one of the funniest things. Do you all know? I'm getting sidetracked. Madam had a show in the 80s, was 83 or something like that. And it's on YouTube. I forget the name of the channel. I'm so sorry. [00:10:19] Speaker B: But they have the whole series. [00:10:21] Speaker A: I am a huge Madam fan, so go and check that out. They have all the episodes. So Scatman Cruthers was on there with her. Let me try to find a picture of him in a shining let's see. He was in everything, guys. [00:10:36] Speaker B: Here it is. [00:10:38] Speaker A: Yeah. And in one floor of the cuckoo's nest. Okay, so this is him, and he's in one floor of the cuckoo's nest. So Scam man Krellis, he really does not get a lot of the credit for being a prominent, famous black actor like a lot of other people, like the Bill Cosby's and Sydney Poites of the day. But this man was everywhere. He worked. He worked Vegas. He was an all around entertainer. So more people know Sammy Davis, Jr. But he was just as good. I mean, he danced and he played a guitar. So anyway, he's in that. And let's go to the next person who was in this movie. So mating or I'm going to make you know who she is because she was in the remake of oh, my went, I should have written this down. But let's look at it real quick. Now, Ivan Dixon directed this play. And Ivan Dixon, you should know that. [00:11:49] Speaker B: Name because he was in Hogan's Heroes. [00:11:51] Speaker A: He was the black guy in Hogan's Heroes, but he was a very prolific director. So let's take a look at Maddie Norman and the movie with Lana Turner. And they had redid the movie. It was originally with Claudette Colbert and Louise Beavers. And they imitation of life. I said it. I got it out. So she played the mother in the remake with Lana Turner. [00:12:21] Speaker B: Isn't she beautiful? [00:12:22] Speaker A: Her and Mary Alice were absolutely beautiful. Okay, so Maddie Norman was born Maddie Ruth Gamble on October 16, 1912, in Villa Rice, Georgia. And she went to school and was classically trained as an actress. So all this is on IMDb. Feel free to go and look all that stuff up on your own. So here she no, no, this is something else she played in. This is something with Debbie Reynolds. And I was trying to find a photo of her. Here we go. So look, she was in whatever Happened to Baby Jane? Yeah, she sure was in that. Oh, I totally forgot about that. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. [00:13:03] Speaker B: Let's see. [00:13:06] Speaker A: She was in everything. [00:13:08] Speaker B: Oh, she was in a remake of His Mistress. [00:13:10] Speaker A: No, she was in his mistress. And we looked at that. Look, I look at too much stuff. You all but I do believe she was in the remake. And I might be getting her confused with this other really pretty no, I'm getting her confused with this other really pretty lady. They kind of look alike. Let's see. Anyway, look at her resume, guys. She has been in everything, of course. So if you are a black actor, you had to pass through you were going to pass through Good Times, the Jeffersons, Sanford and Son and stuff and those type of things. Those type of shows during the had officially made it, but you was in Days of Our Lives, five episodes. So go and check all this stuff out. But anyway, let's get into the play and I have some clips for you. And we're going to talk about the life lesson here about so the last one we did movie that we did was Tarnish Lady or one of the last ones we did before we did Night of Hunter. But we talked about the mother daughter dynamic of Tallulah Bankhead and her mother, who are her character in that movie. And I hadn't seen this yet, obviously. And it was just fascinating to me about these relationships that these mother and daughters have that are sometimes somewhat toxic. But let's just get into this for a second and take a look at. [00:14:51] Speaker B: I'm going to pause my music for a hot minute so you can hear what's going on. So we already know that this family is in Chicago. And shout out to black film history for this film clip. Okay? And let's pick it up where in this preview and all this is free on YouTube. Just want to give you a sense of the relationship between all three of these people, but especially the mother and daughter. And I'm going to get back to the character of the last gentleman in here in a second. [00:15:30] Speaker C: Here's another one, and it would help. [00:15:34] Speaker B: If I share my screen, right, guys? Let's share the screen, everybody. Let's do that. And bear with me 1 second. [00:15:50] Speaker A: And. [00:15:50] Speaker B: Let'S go for it's. [00:15:59] Speaker C: Here's another. And it ain't got the name of no doctor on it either. Well, she scratches the labels off the bomb. [00:16:07] Speaker D: Maybe she figured you'd be rambling around in the room. [00:16:10] Speaker C: I don't know why she'd think that. She never caught me rambling around in the room. Pink pills. Lord, what's a child doing with so many pink pills? [00:16:23] Speaker D: If the voice of the Lord came out of wall and told you, I bet you'd break your neck getting out of here. [00:16:28] Speaker B: Brother. [00:16:28] Speaker C: I need you to help me. [00:16:30] Speaker D: I ain't putting in no numbers for you. You have to do that yourself. [00:16:33] Speaker C: I'll just wait till you get through cutting the food. [00:16:35] Speaker A: All right? [00:16:36] Speaker C: I want you to help me to find out what doctor she's going to. Why don't you just ask her? If she intended for me to know, don't you think she'd have told me. [00:16:44] Speaker D: By now if she intended for you to know? I reckon she would have. [00:16:47] Speaker C: She goes to the doctor on Saturday, and next Saturday you could be parked out there and follow her, spy on her. [00:16:54] Speaker D: Just what are you planning on paying for this service? [00:16:58] Speaker E: Mama. Uncle Doc, how did my medicine get out here? [00:17:07] Speaker C: Well, I was just showing brother how appetizing they're making medicine these days. Wasn't a brother. Stop spying on me. Ain't nobody spying on you, crazy woman. Who you think is interested in your medicine? And you needn't be scratching the labels off the bottle so I won't know who your doctor is? [00:17:22] Speaker E: That's why you were rambling through my things? You in on this, too? [00:17:26] Speaker D: I was just being recruited by the Secret Service. Detailed betrayal. [00:17:29] Speaker E: Will you please not ask people to spy on me? [00:17:31] Speaker C: Asking nobody to spy on me? [00:17:33] Speaker D: You asked me to find a complete. [00:17:37] Speaker C: Loss of your mind. For long, the men in the white coats will be on your tail carrying you off to the Kanker Key Insane Asylum. [00:17:43] Speaker E: Why don't you call in the police? Send a letter to Mr. Hoover? [00:17:47] Speaker C: You better stop. [00:17:48] Speaker E: And, Mama, you just better stop. One day, I swear to God, I'll walk out of here and never look back. [00:17:53] Speaker C: You please not take the Lord's name in vain in my presence. You sound like a street woman. Patience. [00:17:59] Speaker E: With 30, OD years eating up the. [00:18:02] Speaker C: Food I buy, sleeping out the bed. [00:18:04] Speaker E: Clothes I have to buy, and on. [00:18:05] Speaker C: Top of that, driving me out of what little mind I have left. Just let me straighten natural behind before it goes too far. I don't have to stay here and take this kind of abuse before I'll take abuse from a child I birthed into the world I'll pick manure with the birds. Don't have to stay here take this kind of talk. [00:18:27] Speaker D: What is she doing? [00:18:28] Speaker E: Getting a suitcase? [00:18:29] Speaker D: She moving again. [00:18:33] Speaker C: I got too much grip in my crawl to stay anywhere where I ain't want. [00:18:37] Speaker A: Where are you going this time? [00:18:39] Speaker C: Anywhere away from here. Before I'll stay where I ain't wanted I'll take up residence in the old folks home. Worry those folks to death because I'm concerned about your health. There's no reason for you to mistreat me. [00:18:55] Speaker B: So there you have it. There is a sense of the dynamic that's going on with these people. So let's go back to before. [00:19:06] Speaker A: So we saw Scatman, we saw Maiden. [00:19:09] Speaker B: Norman, and we saw Mary Alice. Let's take a look at the rest of the cast. So there's a very wonderful actor named Richard Ward, and again, he's been in everything. All right. And let's see. Yeah, we got some photos right here. [00:19:34] Speaker A: And let me pull those up. [00:19:37] Speaker B: And you're going to see these people appeared in pretty much every popular black TV show at the time. And it's so funny because it's just what it was back then, whatever was hot. [00:19:56] Speaker A: And there weren't a lot of roles. [00:19:58] Speaker B: For black people, but in the 70s was a really good time for black actors. So there he is. This is Richard Ward here. He also played James Evans dad. I know some of you all remember that from Good Times. That's where I first met him. Fantastic actor. He also played in some movies with some big heavy hitters. The big Hollywood people at the time, bru Baker, I remember. I think that's the movie with him and Robert Redford when they were in. [00:20:23] Speaker A: Jail and correct me if I'm wrong. [00:20:25] Speaker B: Because it's been like a million years these people put on acting clinics, and it's just sad that the times what they were. [00:20:34] Speaker A: You had a lot of black faces. [00:20:36] Speaker B: Out there, but you only had a few superstars. So these know, and these were stage know. So they had that craft just like in Olivier's and Such in London, you had to perfect your craft on stage before you even hit the film. So these people had that same training just like that. And so here he is, the Jefferson Lawrence, the maid. And they were those people back then. And just fan freaking tastic. So this is Mr. Ward and he's going to play the blind man. So we're going to fast forward our clip to that part because I want you to start seeing the dynamic of when he's added to this ensemble, to this mixture of these people, how that changes everything. That the relationship between the mother and the father. But before we get to that, let me still just give a little bit more insight to what's going on. So Scatman Crothers, the uncle, tells Alberta, mary Alice, hey, why don't you fly the coupe? Fly the coupe and get out of here. Let's start living your life. Because Alberta is like in her 30s, like probably in her late thirty s. And so he's like, man, get out of here. She has no children, she's not married, obviously, so there's really nothing holding her there. [00:22:06] Speaker A: Now, in a previous scene, before I. [00:22:09] Speaker B: Show this scene, she's already met the blind man, okay? [00:22:14] Speaker A: And Mr. Jordan. [00:22:17] Speaker B: And he's told her, she opens the door, like I say, different times because this was right. So the time frame is right on the cusp of the civil rights movement. So this is like the early like and so and they refer to this in the play. That's how I know this. But anyway, so times were different. People open their doors for people. [00:22:35] Speaker A: Chicago ain't how it is now. [00:22:37] Speaker B: Let's just say that people open their doors for strangers and talk to people. And I was cringing like, oh my gosh, you open your door to complete stranger. But anyway, so she's already met Mr. Jordan. He is looking for this woman. He's going throughout all the buildings in this neighborhood and looking for this woman. And so that scene happened previously, and now he's coming again into this building to inquire about this woman. So let's start it right there. And I'm going to get this ready for you. [00:23:08] Speaker A: And like I said, they just really. [00:23:11] Speaker B: Put on an acting clinic. It's fan freaking tastic. Let's get it started. [00:23:17] Speaker E: Oh, hi. Come on in. My uncle's here. Mr. Sweet. This is Mr. Jordan. [00:23:29] Speaker F: Pleased to make you a quiz, Mr. Sweet. [00:23:31] Speaker D: How do you do? [00:23:33] Speaker F: You haven't by any chance heard of a woman by the name of Grace Waters, have you, Mr. Sweet? [00:23:38] Speaker D: Grace Waters? [00:23:39] Speaker E: Jordan is looking for her. He came all the way up from the old country searching for her. [00:23:43] Speaker D: Well, Boston the bigfoot country. Are you from the son of all over. Grace Waters. Now, I don't recollect meeting nobody with that name. You see, Chicago's a big place to be looking for someone, unless you know where to put your hands on them. [00:23:59] Speaker F: I'll find her. [00:24:02] Speaker D: Well, I reckon I'd better pick up Pearl. [00:24:05] Speaker C: Thought I'd pick up after work. [00:24:07] Speaker D: Oh, by the way, Mr. Jordan, you ain't had any good dreams lately, have you? [00:24:13] Speaker F: You play the numbers, Mr. Sweet. [00:24:15] Speaker D: I've been known to drop a dollar on a figure once in a while. [00:24:19] Speaker F: Try triple zeros. [00:24:21] Speaker D: Triple zeros sounds good. [00:24:24] Speaker F: Of course, they all sound good. You get on it. Stay on. It's going to fall soon. [00:24:28] Speaker D: How soon? [00:24:30] Speaker F: Well, I can't give you the exact date, but it won't be long. [00:24:33] Speaker D: Okay, put some on it. See you, Alberta. See you, Miss Jordan. [00:24:40] Speaker F: Goodbye, Mr. Sweet. [00:24:46] Speaker B: All right, so there we have that. They meet. Right? Now, let's fast forward or we're going to go to well, the part I want to focus on. Now, look at Alberta. Consider her past what I just told you about her. [00:25:09] Speaker A: And she does work. She's a maid at some rich white people house. The typical occupation at that time for a lot of black people. [00:25:18] Speaker B: She's a domestic. So now let's pay attention to the dynamic between her and Mr. Jordan. [00:25:29] Speaker A: And. [00:25:33] Speaker B: Watch her body language. That's what I wanted to say. Now, again, this man is a blind man. When I say bum, I'm not trying to be mean, but he basically is a bum. He is a street performer, plays a guitar for money, he has no home, and he gets by on his wits and playing the guitar. So I know we call them homeless people now, but back then they called them bums. But okay, just you all get where I'm coming from, so let's take a look at it. [00:26:10] Speaker E: I didn't know you'd be around this evening. [00:26:13] Speaker F: Thought I'd get through that big building this evening when we stopped at the. [00:26:17] Speaker E: Other day that's enough. The big building, Jordan. Might take two or three days to get through it. [00:26:23] Speaker F: He ain't got nothing but time. [00:26:25] Speaker E: And it's Saturday. Getting late. Folks don't like to be disturbed on Saturday evening. [00:26:31] Speaker F: Well, they don't have to open the door. All they have to do is say whether or not Grace Water is living there. [00:26:36] Speaker E: Suppose she was living in that big building. Suppose we knocked on the right door. All she would have to do is say that she didn't live there and we'd walk right on away no. [00:26:45] Speaker F: I know her voice too well for that. [00:26:47] Speaker E: Somebody else can answer the door and say she didn't live there. [00:26:50] Speaker F: I come within 100ft of her I know it. [00:26:53] Speaker E: Half the buildings around here under the order of condemnation. [00:26:56] Speaker F: So that's why I need your help to point out the ones that still got people living in them. [00:27:00] Speaker E: It's not that I don't want to help you, Jordan. [00:27:02] Speaker F: Are you afraid? [00:27:03] Speaker E: No, I'm not afraid. [00:27:04] Speaker F: You think Jaden's not safe with me? You think because of my affliction you're not safe with me? [00:27:09] Speaker E: Maybe it's just that I'm tired. [00:27:11] Speaker F: I guess it can be exhausting helping me. [00:27:14] Speaker E: Why don't we wait and do it tomorrow? Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow afternoon would be a good day. About the time people get home from church. People are in a good mood then. [00:27:25] Speaker F: I have no mindset on this evening. [00:27:27] Speaker E: Why can't you wait until tomorrow? [00:27:28] Speaker F: And lose a whole day? I don't want to lose a whole day. [00:27:31] Speaker E: All right, then go on. Since you can't wait, you go right ahead. I hope you fall and break your nuke. What? [00:27:41] Speaker F: Are you upset I've done something to you? [00:27:45] Speaker E: No. [00:27:48] Speaker F: What is it? [00:27:49] Speaker E: It's got nothing to do with you. [00:27:50] Speaker F: You want to tell me? [00:27:51] Speaker E: There's nothing to tell. Maybe so. Oh, Mama, I didn't know you had company. [00:28:06] Speaker C: Mama. [00:28:06] Speaker E: This is Mr. Jordan. [00:28:08] Speaker C: Jordan. [00:28:08] Speaker E: This is my mother, Mrs. Vanella Warren. [00:28:11] Speaker F: Mrs. Warren. [00:28:13] Speaker C: How do you do? [00:28:14] Speaker E: I didn't expect you back so soon. [00:28:17] Speaker C: Just come back for a minute. [00:28:23] Speaker B: Well, wasn't that a fine how do you do, as they say. So mom is already like, what's this? And look. These are two women who have lived basically alone all of their lives during the play. You'll hear that? The dad. [00:28:42] Speaker A: Alberta's dad, Wheatie's father went out for. [00:28:45] Speaker B: That proverbial pack of cigarettes and never came back, according to Wheatie. And so I'm going to fast forward a little bit because now we want to get into the dynamics of weedy and Mr. Jordan to help us understand where these ladies the ladies their relationship dictates everything, right? So how they interact with other people is a result of how they interact with each other. So let's just take a real quick look at that because that's real funny. [00:29:28] Speaker A: And here we go. [00:29:37] Speaker B: I'm glad I caught this display. I wish I'd have caught this earlier. [00:29:41] Speaker A: On because I love this type of stuff. [00:29:42] Speaker B: So here we go. [00:29:44] Speaker C: Did you ever hear of anybody to die from a case of cute indigestion brought on by the eating of pork and warm weather? [00:29:51] Speaker F: Oh, yes. I knew a man down home once, had a nagging wife. Lived about 25 miles down below New Orleans. Well, sir, one night in August he fixed that woman some pork chops. She died that very same night from a case of acute indigestion. Of course, they found out later he had cooked them and lied. [00:30:14] Speaker C: You sure know some strange folks. [00:30:16] Speaker E: Mama, he's joking. [00:30:18] Speaker C: Are you joking me? Mr. Jordan, sir. [00:30:21] Speaker E: Tell her you're joking. Otherwise she'll swear I'm trying to poison her. [00:30:25] Speaker F: I'm kidding you, mrs. Warren. [00:30:27] Speaker C: Oh, so you're a kidding, Mr. Jordan. Always did like a kid. Yes, sir. One thing I always did like was a kidder. How long you been a kidding, Mr. Jordan, sir? Remember man down home once was a kidder. Kid and Sydney recorded. Always liked to kid folks. One day Kid and Sydney kiddered the wrong man and he shot poor Kid and Sydney right dead in the mouth. And Kid and Sydney didn't kid no more. [00:30:55] Speaker E: Suppose I just make some pork and beans. [00:30:58] Speaker C: That's what they feed convicts. [00:31:00] Speaker F: You don't have to fix me nothing. [00:31:02] Speaker C: Oh. Not going to eat, Mr. Jordan, sir? [00:31:05] Speaker F: No ma'am. [00:31:05] Speaker B: I reckon I done I laughed, Jordan sir. [00:31:08] Speaker F: No ma'am. [00:31:09] Speaker B: So let me go back as I laughed at that last shot you gave him. [00:31:12] Speaker C: That's what they feed conduct. [00:31:14] Speaker F: You don't have to fix me nothing. [00:31:16] Speaker A: Else he got in the wind, Mr. Jordan, sir. [00:31:19] Speaker F: No ma'am. I reckon I done lost my appetite. I guess I'll be getting along, Alberta. [00:31:25] Speaker E: All right. I'll see you through the door. [00:31:27] Speaker F: Mrs. Warren, I want to thank you kindly for your hospitality. [00:31:31] Speaker C: Goodbye, Mr. Kidder. I mean, Mr. Jordan. [00:31:40] Speaker E: I wish you could learn how to act nice. [00:31:42] Speaker C: Don't have to learn how to act nice. Ain't running for office. I've been elected. [00:31:48] Speaker E: Thought you were hungry. [00:31:50] Speaker C: I reckon I done lost my appetite too. Where you going? Catch some air with the blind man. His name is Jordan. Mama, I didn't mean no harm. [00:31:59] Speaker E: Maybe I'll take a walk with him. [00:32:03] Speaker C: Sure hate to stay here all by myself. Suppose I had a stroke while you gallivant up and down the street? [00:32:09] Speaker E: You're not going to have a stroke. [00:32:11] Speaker C: How do you know? Is Almighty consulting you about his plans? I could be laying out here with my mouth all twisted up like poor Molly Ross. Molly Ross? [00:32:21] Speaker E: Jordan Singh. [00:32:23] Speaker C: Lived down the block across the street. [00:32:25] Speaker E: Molly Ross died today. [00:32:27] Speaker C: Poor soul. [00:32:29] Speaker E: I don't think I knew her. [00:32:30] Speaker C: Of course you didn't. Never paid her no attention. She wanted none of your equal. [00:32:34] Speaker E: What did she look like? [00:32:36] Speaker C: That woman walked with a cane. Sure was fat. I've never known a woman her age that fat before. [00:32:43] Speaker E: Well, that woman, what was her name? Molly Ross. [00:32:50] Speaker C: Sure was a good company keeper. Used to sit here and keep me company all day long. [00:33:03] Speaker E: Mama was a good company keep. [00:33:21] Speaker B: All right. That is just a taste of this powerful play. You guys please go and look at it. The sty of the blind pig. It is absolutely free on YouTube. Sue snell lives. Check out her channel and tell me what you think about know the title of this episode of late to the party. Let's see if we can put our music back on for one dog on thing right. Here we go. [00:33:55] Speaker A: Is middle aged women. [00:33:57] Speaker B: Beware. [00:33:58] Speaker A: The wall is real. And as this play goes on, I just described to you just sort of dynamics between the mother and the daughter and anybody who comes into their orbit, you see, they are drawn into this really contentious relationship. There are secrets that are revealed later on that add fuel to the fire. I'll give you this because, you know, I hate spoilers. Alberta goes on to marry Mr. Jordan. I'm not kidding you. Yes, I tell you no lies. Go and look at it. And again, Mary Alice puts on an acting clinic. She has a religious sexual experience that you can only witness. I can't even describe it in front of this man. [00:34:54] Speaker B: Yes, that's in this plate. [00:34:56] Speaker A: But like I said, she and this man, they get married and the man has nothing. Why would a middle aged woman marry a bum off the street who can give her nothing? Crickets, you fill in the blank. My opinion is just how sad when. [00:35:26] Speaker B: Women well, people in general don't take the risks. [00:35:32] Speaker A: Don't take the chances. And sometimes people who should support us and be in our camp hold us back. And I'll leave it at that. I do have one more movie and we are running against a little bit overtime. I was contemplating, should I not do it? But I want to do it. So we're going to juxtapose Alberta up against Anna. The next movie I have for you is Reckless, 1997. That's the year it was put out. And let me share my screen so you can know what I'm talking about. And Anna is her dynamic and her demographic is totally, totally, totally different from Alberta's. This woman, obviously she's white. This is from the UK. This is from Masterpiece Theater. One of the rare times that they stepped out of period pieces and stuff like that or classics. So this was 1997. And what I want you to see is kind of just a position. Okay? I did not hit share. Here we go. Share my screen. All right. So here we go. Reckless, starring Francesca Anis. This lovely lady here. Michael kitchen foils war in the house. Robson Green I am not terribly familiar with know I get all this off IMDb. You can go and take a look at it. [00:37:02] Speaker B: Please. [00:37:03] Speaker A: Go. This was again on sue snell. This is about a young doctor, Owen Springer, played by Robson Green, who's about 30 ish mid late, early to mid 30 ish type of his age. Young Dr. Owen Springer returns to Manchester to care for his ailing father and proceeds to fall in love with an older woman who just happens to be married to his boss, played by the great Michael Kitchen of Foil's War. Any Foils War fans, please let me know in the comments. I just want to juxtapose what's going on with Reckless against that and we run out of time. But francesca. Annas michael kitchen been in a ton of America famous. I know. Foils war with Michael Kitchen and Francesca Anna's, I didn't really know a lot about her, but that seems some stuff. But check them out on IMDb, see what they're in. Robson Green, I was not familiar with him. If you know some stuff he was in, let me know. If you're a fan, let me know. So let's take a look at that with Reckless and let's just juxtapose what's going on with these people as opposed to with Alberta. So I'm going to start it from the beginning with the review so I don't take up all the time reviewing it and then you can take it from there. So here we go. [00:38:39] Speaker B: Let's go full screen. [00:38:44] Speaker A: And let's cut the music off for one dog on thing. Hold on, people. We got to get ourselves together. [00:38:53] Speaker C: Because. [00:38:54] Speaker B: I want you to hear all this. This was wild. People went crazy over this movie when it came out back in the day. And if you saw the movie, by all means, let me know what you think. [00:39:06] Speaker G: Tonight on Mobile Masterpiece Theater. [00:39:08] Speaker H: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. [00:39:10] Speaker G: The competition heats up. [00:39:12] Speaker H: I'm filing for a divorce. [00:39:15] Speaker G: How old are you, Springer? Young enough to know she deserves better than you. Tell her who made the phone call. [00:39:19] Speaker H: You did that. [00:39:20] Speaker G: You're dead in the water. She is having dinner with him. The conclusion of reckless. [00:39:26] Speaker H: You sent a note pretending to be me. [00:39:28] Speaker G: I didn't mean to hurt you, Anna. [00:39:30] Speaker H: You could keep saying that tonight. [00:39:36] Speaker B: All right, so that is a review of what happened in the first two episodes. There's three episodes and there's a sequel. Okay? So that's what happened in the first two episodes. All right, so now let's fast forward. [00:39:56] Speaker A: And like and. [00:40:00] Speaker B: Anna has her mother her mother Alzheimer's. [00:40:04] Speaker A: And she is taking care of her, but she is taking care of her. [00:40:13] Speaker B: But that's a strain within itself. But what we can get from that, I think that the mother was different than wheatie, for sure. She was nowhere like weedy. Okay? But that still is a strain taking care of people. So you have to keep that in mind as well. So Anna, the husband has left. She put him out the house. So she's staying in the house. [00:40:53] Speaker A: And. [00:40:55] Speaker B: Robson Green's character, he comes to talk to her after we saw it was revealed he had a part in breaking up her marriage. Because the dude is just I'm gonna just say he's really, really into her. Talking about Anna. Okay. And he was so into her before they even started having a relationship. He found a way to manipulate and expedite them breaking up. Okay. [00:41:24] Speaker A: And go look at the movie because. [00:41:26] Speaker B: I'm leaving a lot of stuff out. But just check out this how they this is gave me the crease. [00:41:31] Speaker A: I don't know about you all, but. [00:41:32] Speaker B: Anyway, let's take a look at it. [00:41:37] Speaker G: Nice evening. [00:41:40] Speaker C: Lovely. You. [00:41:48] Speaker B: Let'S see. Are we sharing this? I don't want to not be sharing it. Okay, let's start over because I'm not sharing it. It's a one woman type deal up here, you all. So let's see. I don't want you to miss this. This was something else. People were enamored with this movie. [00:42:08] Speaker A: Like when I were reading the comments. [00:42:09] Speaker B: I like, did we see the same movie? So let me rewind it back to where she opens the door. Okay, here we go. [00:42:19] Speaker G: Nice evening? [00:42:22] Speaker C: Lovely. You? [00:42:32] Speaker G: What have you been talking about? [00:42:34] Speaker H: Not you. Excuse me? [00:42:40] Speaker G: What have you been talking about? [00:42:43] Speaker H: You don't need to know. [00:42:46] Speaker G: I love you. [00:42:47] Speaker H: And I don't need you to make me feel good or bad about myself. I can manage both adequately. [00:42:51] Speaker G: I love you. [00:42:56] Speaker H: You sent a note pretending to be me. [00:42:58] Speaker G: I love you. [00:43:00] Speaker H: He's off in some hotel with some bimbo boosting his morale. I didn't want to know by that. But you're there making decisions about what you want. [00:43:09] Speaker G: I love you. [00:43:10] Speaker H: You knew all the time withholding information is tantamount to lying and I've had to suffer the consequences. [00:43:16] Speaker A: You selfish bastard. [00:43:18] Speaker G: I love you. I didn't mean to hurt you, Anna. [00:43:25] Speaker H: People keep saying that it means soda. [00:43:31] Speaker G: Nothing I do, nothing I say or think or breathe happens without you. I'll pay any price for any mistakes, but I can't lose you. Please, Anna, tell me you love me. [00:44:04] Speaker B: You love it. [00:44:10] Speaker A: Oh my gosh. Give me a break. [00:44:15] Speaker B: It's incestuous. Okay? And that's enough of that bull. So again, these women, they have look, Anna was married and her husband she found out through this clown who manipulated situation you saw she said I don't want to know that. I didn't need to know that, okay? [00:44:49] Speaker A: Because it was seemingly happy. [00:44:51] Speaker B: And please go and look at the movies because there's a lot of dialogue that explains a lot. But what is similar about these women in my opinion, they are making rash decisions based on emotions manipulation and they're making these permanent decisions that I think had they not had these circumstances, these moments of sheer desperation and fear that they would not have made these decisions. So that's my point again. Go and look at tell me what you think. Did you see these movies? [00:45:31] Speaker A: And let's put our music back on. Did you see any of these movies? Please let me know if you saw them. And what do you think? If you agree or disagree with me? Well, I had a lovely time guys. The next time we'll be together and let's look at our calendar actually to see the next time we'll be together. Georgia will be with us. Hopefully it's supposed to be with us. So on the 9 December yes, georgia will be back with us. Tom, I'm sorry, norm will be with us from Ultimate Fashion history. I don't know about Tom. We'll try to drag Tom along with us. But jewel robbery starring none other than Miss Kay Francis herself and William Powell. We've been talking about that. We've been talking about the fashion. We waiting on it. We waiting and we are waiting on it. So join us again and let us know what you think of these two movies, guys, I can't wait to hear your feedback. Thank you all for listening and watching and we will see you next time and I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving and the next time that we're together. And I do have an outro, so I don't know why I'm saying that, but I want to say it again. You guys take care, hope you enjoy this music. I hope it relaxed you. Someone guys, really hope it did. [00:46:55] Speaker C: You know what I mean, baby? [00:46:56] Speaker A: All right, so my fellow stars and starlet superstars, don't forget to comment, let us know what you think about these movies. Did you see these movies? Comment, share, subscribe, like, follow, do all that. We really appreciate it. Let's keep these great series and films alive. So this is Moya for another episode of Late to the Party. Thanks you guys, looking forward to the next one. You take care.

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