"Great Guys, Bad Women": Black People Version: "Hollow Image" (1979)

Episode 127 February 22, 2025 00:34:29
"Great Guys, Bad Women": Black People Version: "Hollow Image" (1979)
How Bette Davis Saved My Life
"Great Guys, Bad Women": Black People Version: "Hollow Image" (1979)

Feb 22 2025 | 00:34:29


Show Notes

Another episode in the series of "Great Guys, Bad Women" for "Late to The Party". Harriet appears to have everything; great career, money and man. But, is that enough? Well, she goes back to her childhood (underline hood) home to MAFO...mess around and find out. 




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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Greetings, everyone. This is Moya with How Bette Davis Saved My Life with a new segment for How Bette Davis Saved my life, life lessons from classic Hollywood called Late to the Party. As you can hear, the party's already started. And what I mean by late to the party is recent movies that Georgia and and or I have recently seen and you oops a doodle. Let's try this again. Hi everyone. Well, it's late to the party time. I didn't mean to share that and take that away from our outro, but it's little old me by myself. And sometimes when I'm by myself, I'll do Late to the party. And we haven't done done that in a while. And so I am so glad to be here with you. And of course it still is how better David saved my life life Life lessons from classic Hollywood. And for those of you who don't know, Late to the Party is where we are. I, like I was saying in the outro before I accidentally cut it off, is that these are movies. They're not the classic movies like the old black and whites or what have you. They're more modern movies like from the 70s on up and missed these movies. And now, like I was trying to say in my intro, I want to talk about them and because they're new to me and so they may be new to you as well, but I just thought that we should talk about them because I was like, how did I miss this? So some of them, I probably was a kid, but seeing him through adult eyes now I'm like, wow. Okay, we gotta get this on here. Thank you all for tuning in today, so to speak. Thank you for all of our listeners, our audio listeners on all our podcasts, Apple, Spotify, I heart itunes. We appreciate you and thank you all on our for our YouTube channel. We got to. I know it's nothing in the streaming world and podcast world, but we made it to 52 subscribers. So thank you so much to our YouTube subscribers members and don't forget to subscribe, like comment and share these videos. So let's get into it. Oh, and let me apologize because I know in our last podcast with with Georgia, and by the way, George is fine. She just has some personal business she had to take care of. Shout out to Georgia. But yeah, we were going to do Love actually, so we were gonna do it, but you know, she had to miss this one kind of all of a sudden. And so I said, hey, let me do one of these Late to the Party. So I Guess we'll do Love, actually, because that was supposed to be our Valentine's podcast, but maybe we'll do it next year or somewhere down the road. But I didn't want to do it without her. So shout out to Georgia. And I can't wait for my buddy to come on back with us. So without further ado, let's get into Hollow Image. Hollow Image is a movie that came out in 1979. And let me pull it up. That's what I inadvertently kicked myself off when I was talking about. Talking about the movie. And let's. Let's get that bigger. Yeah. Okay. How's that look? Does this look. Let's see. No, let's get it bigger. There we go. All right. And I hope you all can see. Can see everything. I'll try to scroll and. And make everything bigger, but it was a TV movie in 1979 and it starred. Get a full cast and crew, but Robert Hooks. And for those. Let me see if I can click on this and make it bigger. Yeah. So I'm pretty sure you've seen this guy. He's been around, like, forever. He's been in everything, and he's still with us. He's in born in 97. So I'm sorry, 1937. So what does that make him? Is he 88? He's still with us. And he's. He always was handsome, so he. Look, he's been in everything. But for those of us who are fans of black exploitation, as they call a movie. So Trouble man, right here, he was Trouble Man. And for those of you are music aficionados who especially love soul and rb. The late, great Marvin Gaye did the soundtrack to sound to Trouble man, so. And Trouble man was one of the better black exploitation. I hate to call them that sometimes because some of them really were horrible, but some of them were really good. But he was Trouble Man. Like I said, he's been in everything. And so. Look at all this. So it just really ranges. He was even in Star Trek and Pastor 57, and he. Excuse me. His son, you may know Robert Hooks Jr. He's an actor and a director, and he's been around. I believe that's. Oh, it's. Kevin Hooks. I think it might be Kevin Hooks. He's been around forever and been in everything. He was a child actor, then he grew up to be an adult. Great director as well. But let's go back. So it stars him and S. Pearl Sharp or Sandra Sharp right here as Harriet, and he don't have a picture File. Try to find a picture of her because she's. Well, you'll see her in the movie. Dick Anthony Williams, another great actor. Let me just click on him real quick. Let's see if Mr. Williams is still with us. He's been around. Yeah, man, these people are still kicking. I love it. So he's been everything. So we did the. The Jerk with Steve Martin. So that's. I think that's maybe when I first saw him. So he played his unquote brother, his adopted family. He was the brother. He was hilarious. But those of you again. Those of you again. Oh, he's. No, no, he's dead. I'm sorry. Right here in 2012. Okay. But again, from the black exploitations, if you. We'll just go with that for now. He was in the Mac, homie. Okay, what was his name on the Mac? Y'all let me know in the comments, because I'm. I'm is escaping me, and I know it. I was about to say it, but he was in a Mac with Max Julian and a whole bunch of other people, Richard Pryor. And just so. So that's where I first knew. Knew Dick Anthony Williams from. So again, he is a legend in Hollywood or was a legend in Hollywood especially. And. And I hate to say black films, but, you know, it was what it was back then. You had to come up through that. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing is wrong with that. Hattie Winston. Now, you all may know her from a multitude of things, but of course, I first. And she's deceased. And I was so sad when she died. I first remember her from who knows who this lady is. She basically looks the same. Somebody put in the comments. Sesame Street. She was one of the Sesame street characters. And I'm. Let me see. They're gonna say it. Oh, she's not dead. No, she had a stroke. Okay, I'm sorry. Let me get my. Get my back straight. Yeah, she had a stroke, I believe. But she kept on going. She kept going. Let's see if they'll show her. Oh, no. Okay. It wasn't. I'm getting it confused. It wasn't Sesame Street. It was Electric Company. Here. Here it is. Look. And so there's so much history here because this is she and Morgan Freeman, an electric company. He was easy reader. And I don't remember her name and. Oh, that's so funny. I love the Electric Company because you could. Spider man was on there. They would teach you how to read, and it was just a lot of fun. But anyway, so she was on there. But I really thought she went, oh, no, I'm getting a confused with the other lady now. She died. Alana, what's her name? She was on, she was on Sesame street and she was on 227. So I'm sorry, I got them confused, but yes. So that's so funny. So they're in this movie together. I don't even think they have any scenes in this movie. We're gonna get to the movie soon, but I just want to go over the cast because sometimes when George and I are together, we don't have time to go over the ca. I just wanted to do that. But Hattie Winston. Yes, yes, yes. So I got her confused with a line. I can't remember her name. The lady from 227. And she was on, she was on. Of that, let's see. And trying to get back to the cast, if we can. If we can. I think we'll be able to get back to it. Yes. All right, now try to find. So there's a lot of stars in here, of course, Morgan Freeman. We don't need to say who is if you don't know who he is. Where have you been? One of the best actors ever, especially right now. Anna Maria Horsford. You all may know her. Remember, I'm gonna show a picture real quick from a man. She played the crazy daughter. And she's been in a lot of stuff, too. Man, she is still kicking. Very pretty woman. She's been everything. I, I, I mean, I can't even. We could click on her resume, but what hasn't she been in? And she can, she can, she can do comedy, she can do drama. She is so funny, so pretty. And so, yeah, these are a lot of casts and it's so funny to have all these people in one movie like this. So let's get into Hollow Image. I'm going to try to. Well, you'll see Sandra Sharp in a second, but let's get into the movie and, And I was supposed to have my music playing. Let me see if I can get it to play because I'm just talking. Okay. I don't know if you can hear that because sometimes it doesn't play. But anyway, so let's get into this movie, Hollow Image, and I'm gonna start it from the beginning and set it up for you. And I want, so I want to give you, like, backdrop of, like, this is the late 70s going into the 80s, and for lack of better term, black people have made it, quote unquote. And when you see her coming on. Let me put the image on there. You're going to see her, basically. Almost like a mahogany, like Diana Ross type. She's in the fashion world. She's a fashion buyer. So let's take a look at this opening segment. And I'm going to pause the music for a second so we can hear this and get into it. Had her hat on. Big hat's great again. So what's that? MHD mhga Big hats great again. I can't wear a hat. Anyway, here she is, girls and gentlemen. Just style and profiling. She has made it, guys. Okay, so she is in Fashion Avenue. Like I said, woman shout out to real black one. I'll leave a link in the description where you can watch this. It's not bad. [00:11:52] Speaker B: I think I might third, less fabric. And perhaps this silk fabric sash. [00:11:58] Speaker A: What do you think? [00:11:58] Speaker B: You could be right. [00:11:59] Speaker C: I'll make up a sample and send it over to you. [00:12:01] Speaker A: Okay, so she boss lady, right? And here's Hattie Winston, her friend Ivy. Cousin, rather her cousin. She's a singer. Okay, so I'm setting everybody up. So these people have made it. They're at the top of their game. It's in the 70s. They've overcome what have you. And let's scoot on down to this part. So this is her apartment. She's just moved and she's decorating and everything. And let's see. [00:12:41] Speaker D: Money can't even buy me a pizza. Where is that man? I am starving. [00:12:45] Speaker B: Well, girl, when you order pizza with mushrooms and anchovies and extra cheese and stuff, it takes a while to get it together. The walls are bare and I don't have many things to hang. Where'd you get those pictures you have over your piano? [00:13:00] Speaker D: Uptown at the center. Danny runs, the kids do them and he sells them to raise money. [00:13:04] Speaker B: How is Danny? [00:13:05] Speaker D: Danny? He's fine. [00:13:07] Speaker B: And sweet talk. Is the fancy dresser still up there? [00:13:10] Speaker D: Yeah, he's around. [00:13:14] Speaker B: I really lost touch, didn't I? Where is the center? [00:13:19] Speaker D: Around the corner from the block where we used to live, where Dave's Meat Market used to be. [00:13:24] Speaker A: Okay, so they're talking about Danny and they kind of. When they kind of tiptoe and talking around him because Danny is her old flame, Harriet's old flame. Okay? And they were childhood sweethearts. So you just realize that he's still in the hood, if you will. And we just saw her. She's moved on. She's just moved into this fancy apartment. So they are worlds apart. Right? So, okay, so I'm Gonna go ahead on and skip on to when Robert Hooks, his character comes. So this is her current boyfriend? Okay, let's check him out. Mr. Three Piece Suit Executive. The black people doing it. [00:14:06] Speaker D: I think I'll warm this up and quit while I'm ahead. [00:14:12] Speaker C: Hey, shaping up looks great. You know, between the job and getting the apartment together, you are running yourself ragged. [00:14:25] Speaker B: Well, at least this part will be over soon. [00:14:27] Speaker C: Problem? [00:14:28] Speaker B: I won't even tell you what happened at the store today. When I start my vacation, I'll have two whole weeks to ignore that madhouse. [00:14:35] Speaker C: We should try and get away somewhere. Hop over to the islands for a few days. [00:14:38] Speaker B: You said your schedule was full. [00:14:40] Speaker C: I'll rearrange my. How about it? I love it. [00:14:45] Speaker B: You gotta give me a week to finish this place, and then I'm free as a bird. [00:14:49] Speaker C: I wish I could clip your wings, ground you permanently. Subject to be reopened when the lady is in a more receptive mood. [00:14:57] Speaker B: Honey, I'm just not ready for marriage now. I'm traveling all the time. I'm bringing work home. [00:15:02] Speaker C: That's not the point, Harry. [00:15:03] Speaker B: Then what is? A house in Stony Brooks with a little boy who looks just like you. And two little girls who are the spitting image of me. I can't buy that. Not now, anyway. [00:15:15] Speaker C: So we'll put off the kids for a while. Concentrate on our careers. But we'll be doing it together. [00:15:19] Speaker B: I'm just starting to move up. And every time I take another step, I'm happy, but I'm scared. It's like I'm climbing a mountain and I'm not sure if there's a peak. [00:15:29] Speaker C: Suppose you get to the top and it's not what you want. [00:15:34] Speaker B: I'd find another mountain and I'd start climbing all over again. [00:15:37] Speaker C: That's what I like about you. You're not hung up like some black women I know. [00:15:41] Speaker D: May I ask how black women are hung up? [00:15:43] Speaker C: They don't have their act together, that's all. [00:15:47] Speaker D: The man that delivered Harriet's birthday. [00:15:49] Speaker A: All right, now, I gotta stop right there. Because this is the crux of the movie, the crux of the story. And ain't a dog gonna change? What were we in 40s plus years later and a dog on thing. 46 years, almost 50 years later, and ain't nothing changed. And so just keep this conversation in mind. Like I said, you see him, he's Mr. Three Piece Suit. He's an executive. He's got it going on. He's made it. She's made it. All right, now you and you heard what she said, now. You heard what she interested in. Okay? Now let's go on. Let's scoot on down the line and. And do some more investigations to find out why this is a great guy. Bad woman, that's why. Why we titled this. So she's going back to the hood by Danny under the ruse she wants to get some artwork. Okay. And she gonna get some artwork. Right on. She gonna. She gonna get a nice frame of reality check. That's what she gonna get. A nice portrait. Nice size, life size frame of reality check. Okay, here we go. And enter Morgan Freeman. [00:17:18] Speaker C: Hey, sister. I ain't gonna hurt you. I just need a cigarette. [00:17:25] Speaker B: I don't have any. [00:17:28] Speaker C: You ain't even checked your bag. [00:17:37] Speaker B: Keep them. [00:17:43] Speaker C: Welcome home, Francis. [00:17:46] Speaker A: Love the cape. Shout out to Norman B. [00:18:00] Speaker B: Hello, Danny. May I come in? [00:18:13] Speaker A: We don't look too enthused to see. [00:18:14] Speaker B: Hello. [00:18:17] Speaker C: Oh, Monica, this is Harriet. You know, Ivy's cousin. I told you about her. [00:18:23] Speaker A: Yeah, Queenie, Princess, whatever you looking for. Ivy, she ain't here. [00:18:28] Speaker B: No, I came to see Danny. [00:18:30] Speaker A: What for? [00:18:31] Speaker C: I thought you were going to the store. [00:18:33] Speaker A: I might go later. [00:18:34] Speaker B: I should have called. [00:18:35] Speaker C: No, that's okay. You gonna stand here all day? [00:18:38] Speaker B: I'm waiting for the money. [00:18:52] Speaker A: I'll be back soon. I know. That's right. Yes. Last queen. [00:19:05] Speaker C: You look good. Put on some pounds, but all in the right places. [00:19:11] Speaker B: You haven't changed either. [00:19:12] Speaker C: Yeah. Still a tired body. Beautiful. So it brings you here. [00:19:17] Speaker A: Okay, wait. Anyway, she can say whatever she want. She gonna say some foolishness, some lie about being there for the artwork, but. Okay, we know ain't artwork because. Okay, I'ma save this for the next piece. So let's go on down the line. Okay? Let's keep it moving. So we all know she ain't there for no artwork. I am going to. Yeah. This is where I want you to see Ivy. Gives her some dag on good on good advice. But you know, what is that? [00:20:03] Speaker D: Come on, cheer up. You didn't expect to find the place like you left it. [00:20:09] Speaker B: I don't know what I expected. You should have told me. [00:20:18] Speaker D: What did you want me to say? Velma got her face smashed in and sweet talk is a junkie now. If you'd wanted to know what was going on up there, you would have asked me. [00:20:27] Speaker B: But I didn't ask. And that's what's bothering me. [00:20:29] Speaker D: You had things to do with your life. There wasn't time to look back. [00:20:34] Speaker B: Danny said. He said you make time, Ivy. I took one look at that street, and I couldn't get home fast enough. I didn't want Danny to come here. And when I saw sweet talk instead of reaching out to him, I held my breath because I didn't want to smell him. I'm so ashamed. [00:20:51] Speaker D: Ashamed of what? [00:20:52] Speaker B: I should be doing something to help. [00:20:54] Speaker D: Help who? For God's sake, Harriet, you saw the plate, you saw Danny, now let it go. [00:21:01] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:21:03] Speaker D: Are you still coming by the club? [00:21:07] Speaker A: Thank ya. That is a friend. Even though that's her cousin, that is a friend. Again, stop the movie right there, because she is giving her the best advice. All right, but let's keep going because obviously she didn't heed it because we wouldn't have a movie. So let's go to. They go into the club where, where she, she plays, she sings, and check this out. So she meets Harriet's boyfriend's friend. You know, hey, I got a friend for you. Okay, so check out Ms. Sassy here. These women don't know what they want. I don't care if they're black, white or peppermint stripe, they don't know what they want. Especially when they're young and hot. They want it all. Don't know what they want. Then when you get down the line, when that wall is about to come at you at a hundred miles per second, I need a man. I need a man with some, with a job, with a security. Ah, somebody saved me. [00:22:12] Speaker D: You put your gab on tape and save us both a lot of wear and tear. [00:22:17] Speaker A: See? [00:22:17] Speaker C: See, there you go. Put me down again. Ivy, my love, perseverance is the key to my success. Therefore, I will pursue you like a young schoolboy until you finally succumb to my charms. May your future be filled with positive substance and a very positive man. It's a good friend I'll drink to. Jule. Drink to anything. How's your new album doing? [00:22:46] Speaker B: I ain't making money, but I want. [00:22:48] Speaker D: The next one to deal with the heaviest subject, maybe a message. [00:22:52] Speaker B: Okay, Time to get plenty of rest. [00:22:54] Speaker A: Sorry. Okay, so I, I'll get back. Clicked all the way back. So that all that happened. All right, so like I said, these, these women are, they're a trip. And so I, I, I'll go here with them. So her and Robin Hooks, they go back to the apartment and have a good conversation. Let's check out the fur game. First of all, you better work. These ain't no downtrodden I see. I love this, this and I, and I. It's not about race or anything with me but, you know, since everybody won't have, like, the. The black. Black delegation, you know, we all downtrodden. Like, we never came up in any sense of the word. Because this is not fiction. I mean, obviously, it's a fictional story. But in the seventies and. And then. And anyway, I don't want to get too much into it. Do these people, like, they're struggling? And I can say in my personal life, my people. And we were not rich by any stretch of imagination. We were lower class, if you will, than working class. I say working class, but we dress like this, we live like this. Okay, so all that other stuff and downtrodden. No. [00:24:14] Speaker C: Thanks for the lifto, buddy. [00:24:15] Speaker A: And get home safely. [00:24:16] Speaker B: Ivy. [00:24:24] Speaker A: You better work. [00:24:34] Speaker C: Hey, did you have fun tonight? [00:24:36] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:24:39] Speaker C: Hey, where'd you get these? [00:24:42] Speaker B: Up in Harlem. That was done by one of the kids, and a friend of mine, Danny York, did this one. Do you ever think about the kids. [00:24:53] Speaker A: You grew up with? [00:24:55] Speaker C: They never crossed my mind. [00:24:57] Speaker B: Aren't you the least bit curious about where they are now? [00:25:00] Speaker A: Nope. [00:25:04] Speaker B: Maybe your childhood was different. We had so much fun. [00:25:10] Speaker C: I didn't have time for fun. [00:25:13] Speaker B: Honey, have you ever thought of doing something in Harlem? [00:25:16] Speaker C: Like what? [00:25:17] Speaker B: I don't know. Give free advice on how to sue your landlord or something to do with law. [00:25:23] Speaker C: That's why they've got the Legal Aid Society. [00:25:26] Speaker B: And to hell with all the poor blacks who can't afford your fee. [00:25:30] Speaker C: Slow down. Just slow down. Your sudden black awareness is overwhelming. I do my share for civil rights, equal opportunity, the whole bit. [00:25:38] Speaker B: You write a check to the NAACP and your conscience is clear. [00:25:41] Speaker C: Honey, I care about what's going on, but I'll be damned if I'm going to carry the entire black population piggyback style. [00:25:48] Speaker B: We have all the good things in life. [00:25:50] Speaker C: We earned it. Nobody gave you your job or this apartment. And nobody put me through law school. We worked, we got it. And we don't have to answer to a living soul. [00:25:59] Speaker A: What? [00:26:00] Speaker B: Maybe you're right. [00:26:02] Speaker C: I know I'm right. You're letting an imaginary guilt get the best of you. Don't do it. [00:26:07] Speaker A: All right. This man. I love this man. I'm married to this man. Not this man. Man like this. Okay. Hey, y'all take that. And do what? You gonna win it? I'm just setting up the characters. All right. But I love what he said. The guilt complex there is. What do they call that? Survivor's remorse. I've had at some point in my life. Not with this, just some other things. But, hey, this man again. We can stop the movie right here. But we ain't. Because this dummy. I'm talking about her. No, but it really. So let me just get on with it. And then y'all can see, like, why I call her dummy. Because that guy is into her. He really cares about her. Danny ain't got Danny. Got Danny's life going on like Ivy told her. And she got her life going on. Ain't nothing wrong with that. So Neela says she goes back to the hood. Excuse me, Back to Harlem. And picks back up with Danny. And here we go. [00:27:13] Speaker C: Want to see whose dick won the race? [00:27:20] Speaker B: I bet you're thinking about the time that Ivy got her foot stuck in the sewer and the cops had to drag her out. [00:27:25] Speaker A: I never could figure out how she. [00:27:26] Speaker C: Got whizzed in like that. [00:27:28] Speaker A: And then they go on and have a dad, I guess. So she's recapturing her childhood, her youth, even though she's really young, with this guy, picking back up with this. This guy. And they are on a date. Okay, let's. Why is she on a date and you have a man? You're on there. She's on a date. Okay, let's. Let's be honest. And she glossed over when she was explaining to her boyfriend. Oh, with my friend Danny. Nah, nah, homie. That was your boyfriend, your first true love and all that. Okay? So let's. Let's not. Let's be. Let's be honest. Okay? Here they are on the beach and holding hands and all this. This madness. Anyway, she's in love, I guess. But anyway, again, why. Look at this. You look beautiful. Come on, Rac. You. No fair. You got a head start. Okay, why is she kiki and. And she has boyfriend. So would it be okay if her boyfriend, if he did that, went. Found the old lost love and rekindled because he. Under the rules of. He felt he needed to give back. And I'm saying rules. And she might somewhat feel like that. But to me, the whole thing is she wasn't feeling her boyfriend, the Robert Hook's character. Well, Kenneth, I believe she wasn't feeling him because that man was making time for her. He would rearrange his schedule for her. And men don't do that, especially powerful men if they're not really into you. So needless to say, I'ma stop it here. She hooks hooks all the way back up with. With Danny, okay? And you. They're coming from two different worlds. I'ma stop it right there. You guys go and check out the rest of It. Because it's a mess. A straight up mess. So. But Hollow image, it is on the Real Black One channel. Let me see. Can I scroll down? Oh, no, I can't. Real black. I'll put the link in the description. Oh, there we go. Real Black one. Go and check that out. I will put in the description box on our YouTube page. But if you go to YouTube, type in Hollow Image 1979. Go to Real Black One and you will not be disappointed. And I want you to see the ending. So I. I don't want to give away the ending, but it's a mess. It is a mess. And you need to see what's going to happen with her and her boyfriend. What happens with. With them. And it. It was. It was something else. That's all I can say. So go and check that out. Great cast. These are some of the best. I'm not. I hate to say black actors, but actors period. But, you know, just for context purposes. So you guys, see you next time. Hopefully, Georgia will be back in action and our next move. We'll see you again on the 1st. What is our movie? I think we may. Okay, I. We've changed some stuff around. And so let's see. I. Intimate Encounters. Yeah, Intimate Encounters, I believe. Yes. Okay. And I don't know, I forgot who that is. Let's see. Let's see who's in there because I totally forgot who's in that movie. Intimate. And let me know in the chat who's in that. Intimate. Oh, yeah. So this is another. Late to the party. Donna Mills, 1986. This is another Good guys, bad women or great guys, Bad women. Okay. Intimate Encounters. Go. So go. Look at that. With dynamics, Dynamils does not age. Wait, no, no. Wrong. No, that's not right because we already did that one. Okay, I need to figure out what our next move is, guys. Let's see. We. Because everything's changed up now because we have to do this with Georgia. So it might be body. I'll check with Georgia because maybe we'll do. We'll switch out and put in love. Actually, I don't know. But whatever we're gonna do, you know, it's gonna be spicy. Especially if it's body heat. I think we might pump up Body Heat with Kathleen. What's her name? You know, I can't remember now. I'm sorry. That was a good one from the 80s. Spicy, spicy, spicy. So we will see you on the first 1:00pm Central Standard Time right here on Facebook Live. I had a blast. Go and take a look at Hollow Image 1979, y'all. She did him so wrong the boyfriend and that he was like the perfect guy. And see that's why I say women don't know what they want because I bet 40 year old single Harriet, 50 old single Harriet with the dog and alone. But I sure wonder what Kenneth is up to. I think that was his name. Let me go see. Kenneth is a grandfather living in what, Martha's Vineyard or wherever the people rich people go. Great grandfather and and a retired executive. And you already said he don't. He doesn't think about. You heard him say he doesn't think about the past. So no ma'am. Pam, no you are done. Stick a fork in you. So anyway guys, see you next time. I really enjoyed it. You take care of talking ma'am. See you guys next time. But how better David saved my life. Life lessons from classic Hollywood. I am Moy. Don't forget to subscribe, share and like see you guys. Thank you so much for hanging out with me. Now you can talk. So my fellow stars and starlets, superstars, don't forget to comment. Let us know what you think about these movies. Did you see these movies? Comment, share, share, subscribe, like, follow, do all that. We really appreciate it. Let's keep these great series and films alive. So this is Moya for another episode of Late to the Party. Thanks you guys. Looking forward to the next one. You take care. It.

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Ya Mama!: "Tarnished Lady" (1931)

Can Tallulah Bankhead's, Nancy, survive: Her manipulative mother? A frenemy? A lost love?  And, a SUPPORTIVE RICH HUSBAND?!  Wait...one of these things is not...


Episode 98

January 13, 2024 00:39:07
Episode Cover

Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Bette!: "A Stolen Life" (1946)

Bette Davis co-stars with Glen Ford in this drama as twin sisters (Pat and Katie) who are rivals in love and life. What happens...


Episode 69

December 17, 2022 00:25:50
Episode Cover

Ho, ho, ho...It's time for Whiteside to go, go, go!: "The Man Who Came to Dinner" (1942)

Listen to our holiday gift to you and you will definitely have a very, very Merry Christmas! YouTube Facebook  
