Episode Transcript
[00:00:01] Speaker A: Greetings, everyone. This is Moya with How Bette Davis Saved My Life with a new segment for How Bette Davis Saved My Life, life lessons from classic Hollywood called Late to the Party.
As you can hear, the party's already started. And what I mean by Late to the Party is recent movies that Georgia and or I have recently seen and you've probably already seen, but we want to talk about them. So sit back, relax and enjoy this brand new segment of How Bette Davis Saved My Life, life lessons from classic Hollywood called Late to the Party. Yes, yes, it's time for another fun episode of Late to the Party, a spin off of like a intro said of How Betty Davis Saved My Life. Georgia, unfortunately is still dealing with some personal issues, so she's on a little sabbatical. But we can't wait to have her back with us. And we will make sure that we give her a hero's welcome, a heroine's welcome when she comes back with us. But yeah, guys, let's get started today. And before we do that, I already got my drinks, I hope you got yours. And we want to first give a special shout out to the late great Gene Hackman. Rest in peace, sir.
Him and the his family, we all know by now he and his wife were found deceased this what is either yesterday, I believe, or the day before yesterday. And just want to give a shout out to him, just one of the best actors. And he like Bette Davis said about Rosalind Russell, one of the most unfamous famous people because Gene Hackman did his job, you didn't hear any extra stuff about him. He could play anything. And just so many people have just been raining laurels and lauding him. And so you know, what more can I say? I will just say that the first time that I was aware of Gene Hackman was in Superman. And I just want to bring that and maybe I should come on the screen, don't you think?
And yes, I am sipping tea because we got some tea to get into today, guys. We do. But I just want to. The first time I was aware of Gene Hackman, like most maybe Gen Xers was when he was in Superman and when he played Lex Luthor like Ned Beatty used to, used to say. And so this was my first look at him.
And this is a great article here. I didn't read it, but it's interesting. Let me say I did not read it, but that is interesting if that is in fact the case. But yeah, Gene Hackman, man, shout out to him. And here we, here he is with the gorgeous RIP Christopher Reeve, man.
So he could do it all. He could do it also. Really.
Let me see before because everybody talks about when Jack Nicholson did Looker, you know, so him.
Gene Hackman obviously was before that with Superman.
So he kind of was a trailblazer for like serious actors doing like superhero movies and they becoming camp and such.
So but. But doing them well.
And Martin so mar. Even Marlon Brando. Let's get our banners going.
Marlon Brando was, we know in that Superman as well.
And they did a great job. And so shout out to Gene Hackman. So of course the Superman and one of his roles. One of my favorite movies of all time. Another legend who's still with us kicking when he was in Steve Steve when he was in Clint Eastwood's the Unforgiven. He and Morgan Freeman so that he won his second Oscar for that. So I had not seen. Seen the French Connection till. Oh gosh, just in recent times. So I didn't know about that. When he played Popeye Doll and he won his first Academy Award for best actor, he won the second one for best supporting actor in the Unforgiven. I could go look at that again. I might dredged it up and I gotta see. I gotta ask Georgia, do we have that one, The Unforgiven. Do we have that one for our Westerns. So anyway guys. So like I said, RIP 95. 95 years old. I cannot believe that he's been with us that long. And so shout out to the Hackman family. We all notice, you know, not quite sure what happened. So we hope the man and his wife and the dog died peacefully, but it looks really, really, really weird. Anyway, let's get to our. So I got my. My beverage. We got our music playing. And so I want to get into our move of the day and no, we're not live. Obviously we're not live because like I said, Georgia and my schedule. And so that's why. Yes, this is a recording. So sorry if you were looking for the live. We'll try to. I'll try to do a live of course on for our next time we together and I do believe our next time that we will be together is on the 15th. So I'm changing everything, guys, because you know, Georgia and I, we do our movies together obviously. So I'm just going to put those on the back burner till she's back with us. And we're just going to have a lot of fun with Late to the party, if you don't mind. So I hope you all are doing well. Thank you guys for tuning in. Forget to comment, like, share and subscribe. Do all that good stuff. It really helps us. And thank you to all our listeners and supporters. We are. Y'all did it. We are at 52 subscriptions on YouTube, which is a huge deal to us. Okay. I totally appreciate you all and thank you to all our Facebook, the other OGs. Y'all been with us. So we have a hundred plus there, and we just never thought we got this much. So thank you for hanging in with us. We. We want to keep growing and doing more different things. And with all that said, let's get into our movie because Hunter. Wowzee. Wowzy. Wow, wow. We have a doozy, don't we? So I had never seen this movie.
I had never seen this move before.
The Dynamills movie. The world's oldest living a bridesmaid. And let me pull that up for you guys.
1990. It was a first for me.
And so let's take a look at that.
And Dynamils does not age. Guys. Don. So this move is what, 35 years old. The woman looks exactly the same. If you ever seen her lately, she looks exactly the same. So I'm gonna pause. Dj, hold that record for me. Because we need to hit his tea that I'm spilling. That's why I got my tea with me. Because this movie was something else. I. I must say. All right, so let's get into it, and we're gonna kind of react to it with each other live. So the world's oldest living bridesmaid starring Donna Mills and Brian Wimmer. And I think he was on some show on cbs. So obviously this takes place in New York. Shout out to rip our twin towers.
New York.
All right, so I'm just gonna fast forward. So for those of you who've already seen this, you know, you already know it's about. But like I said, it's new to me. And I was just like, wow.
Fun, fun to watch. Fun. Interesting. Interesting. Beverly Garland was a hoot in this movie. Let's get the vitamin here.
[00:08:11] Speaker B: And he says, now, you had the side order of asparagus, and I had the chocolate mousse and the onion soup. He was dividing it to the penny. What a jerk. He said he could tell I was a liberated woman. You know what you should have done? You should have paid the whole check, left a huge tip, and gone home alone.
[00:08:31] Speaker A: Okay, so you see Donna Mills, Brenda and her best friend talking about the dating scene. And you see seeing What? Donna Mills. They're having a good time. Joking. So Donna Mills is a big time lawyer and she. She's a. What they call it, a. A partner in a law firm that she helped start and what have you. Very successful. All right. And so I'm just gonna, you know, in the interest of time, move it on down the line. So she's, you know, she's beautiful. She has a boyfriend, He's a dentist. And so let's go to that. Because this movie is really all about relationships.
And so her. Her and her friend, they are talking about dating and everything like that. All right, so let's move on to that.
[00:09:24] Speaker C: Ms. Morgan's office.
[00:09:27] Speaker B: Oh, sure.
[00:09:27] Speaker A: Dr. Anderson, could you hold on?
[00:09:30] Speaker B: It's your dreamy dentist.
Thank you.
[00:09:37] Speaker C: Hi.
[00:09:39] Speaker B: You certainly have an interesting cheer side.
[00:09:41] Speaker A: Really, Doctor?
[00:09:45] Speaker B: You hungry?
[00:09:47] Speaker D: I was hoping you'd ask.
[00:09:48] Speaker B: I'm not sure what I have, but.
Want to go exploring?
[00:09:53] Speaker D: I'd love to, but let's eat first.
[00:10:04] Speaker B: Let's see what we have.
Ah, yogurt, Perrier, vitamins and artichoke hearts.
[00:10:15] Speaker D: I guess we can order pizza again.
[00:10:18] Speaker B: Look, caviar.
[00:10:21] Speaker D: Do you have any eggs? No, I bought a dozen last weekend.
[00:10:25] Speaker A: Really?
[00:10:27] Speaker B: Ah, eggs.
[00:10:29] Speaker D: Two caviar omelets coming up.
This is nice.
I could become addicted.
[00:10:40] Speaker B: I think you'd even get tired of caviar after a while.
[00:10:43] Speaker D: That's not what I meant, Brenda, and you know it.
I like you a lot. And when to be. I usually do something about it.
[00:10:51] Speaker B: We just did, didn't we?
[00:10:56] Speaker D: I'm thinking of making some changes. Just take some time to relax. Enjoy the simple things.
You could learn to cook.
[00:11:08] Speaker B: You already know how to cook.
[00:11:11] Speaker D: But I could teach you.
[00:11:13] Speaker B: You know what they say about too many cooks.
[00:11:17] Speaker D: You could do anything you want.
You could quit work. I make enough money for both of us.
[00:11:23] Speaker B: So do I.
I know you do, honey.
[00:11:28] Speaker D: It was just a suggestion. I thought maybe that you'd like some changes, too. I'm just trying to make you happy.
[00:11:35] Speaker B: I am happy. I like things just the way they are.
[00:11:40] Speaker A: So at this point, bro, just run.
She is. What is she telling him? She's telling him you're not the one.
All right, that's what I see. If you say anything different, put it in the comments, let me know. But at minimum, she's being honest with him. She's not domesticated. She doesn't want to be domesticated, and that's her prerogative. She has. No. No, fool. You know, she probably has a maid comes in. So her reason for being her whole Life is centered around her work. And it seems like to me, this doctor, this dentist, rather, is an accessory. But again, I could be wrong. I could be wrong. But he seems like he has everything going for him. I mean, you know, they all. They ain't exactly holding hands, so they seem like they, you know, enjoying themselves. So, you know, let's move on.
So let's. I'm gonna go on down the line. Going down the line to where the young dude comes in, Alex.
And he's gonna be the. Yeah. And yes. I titled this the Cougar. Cougar Fantasies. So he comes in and. Let's see. He's not totally dressed for success. I don't find him attractive. But again, not my movie.
[00:12:57] Speaker D: I'm Alexander Dante.
[00:13:00] Speaker B: You're a man?
[00:13:02] Speaker D: Have been for years.
[00:13:05] Speaker B: I'm sorry, it's just that I was expecting.
All the other applicants have been female.
Sit down, please.
[00:13:14] Speaker D: Well, at least you won't forget my face.
[00:13:20] Speaker B: Well, your test scores indicate your skills are excellent, Mr. Dante.
As a matter of fact, you might be overqualified.
Would you mind telling me why you want to be a secretary?
[00:13:34] Speaker A: All right, that ain't important. But anyway, so we get our first look at him. Okay, now, here comes Mom, Brenda's mom, played by Beverly Garden Garland. She is fabulous and smart.
She's remarried. You'll find out after. Brenda's dad, I guess, maybe died, or I'm assumed, died. So she. She takes the cake. She is wonderful.
So let's go to that part and see how she and Brenda interact. It's so funny. And so check out the fashion guys. It is so cool. So 90s. She looks like, dead at night Barbie or something like that.
[00:14:14] Speaker C: Oh, hi, Mother.
[00:14:16] Speaker A: Hi.
[00:14:16] Speaker C: Careful, this is trippy.
[00:14:18] Speaker A: All right, I got it. Look at that hat. I love it.
[00:14:21] Speaker B: Shopping, I see.
[00:14:21] Speaker C: Well, I just happen to be in the neighborhood.
[00:14:23] Speaker B: You want to stay for lunch?
[00:14:24] Speaker C: Oh, no, no. I can only stay a minute, and I.
Oh, I'm sorry.
[00:14:28] Speaker B: My new secretary. Alex Dante, this is my mother, Edith Pierce.
[00:14:32] Speaker A: Look at him.
[00:14:33] Speaker C: Nice meeting you, Alex.
[00:14:36] Speaker B: Receptionist. Where those files are?
[00:14:37] Speaker A: Right. Thanks.
[00:14:43] Speaker C: Male secretary.
[00:14:45] Speaker B: Men type faster, huh? Shorter nails.
[00:14:52] Speaker C: What happened to Jane?
[00:14:53] Speaker B: She moved to Alaska. Alaska?
[00:14:56] Speaker C: Alaska's loaded with eligible men. I bet she won't be. Sing along.
[00:15:01] Speaker A: That ain't what happened. Jane got married, honey. Her secretary beat her to the altar. Let's move on.
[00:15:07] Speaker B: Probably not.
[00:15:08] Speaker C: Well, Frank is going to pick me up here, and then we're going to a matinee. But first, I.
I wanted to give you this.
[00:15:18] Speaker B: Aw, thank you. Oh, Sweet.
[00:15:23] Speaker C: Why are you wearing your hair like that?
[00:15:25] Speaker B: It was raining out, Mother.
[00:15:38] Speaker C: You don't like it, do you?
[00:15:41] Speaker B: Well, I don't think it's really me.
[00:15:48] Speaker C: Well, I should have known better. I just thought maybe you'd like something different. Something with a little pizzazz.
[00:15:57] Speaker B: Mother.
[00:15:59] Speaker A: Now, my mother used to do that to me as well. Have you all had mothers like that? Just quietly nudging, interfering? My mother would dress me like. Like Brenda. I was a fully grown adult. My mother was still buying clothes for me. She did. She knew my style somewhat. Sometimes I'd be like, no, ma'am. No. It's a little hookerish. I'm not wearing that. But listen to her. We're gonna get more into Mom's. Mom's mind. I love Mom.
[00:16:29] Speaker B: Have I ever done anything. Have I ever said anything that indicated to you in any one way, shape or form that I was interested in pizzazz?
[00:16:38] Speaker C: Darling, I don't want to hurt your feelings. I mean, you know how proud I am of you. I think you are brilliant. I think you are beautiful. It's just that I don't understand. With all your success and all the people you know, you have never gotten married.
[00:16:54] Speaker B: Maybe I've just never met my dream man.
[00:16:57] Speaker C: There are no dream men, Brenda. There are only dreams.
[00:17:01] Speaker B: Would you cross stitch that on a sampler for me? I'd like to hang that above my phone.
[00:17:05] Speaker A: Okay, do I need to rewind that? Let's rewind that.
[00:17:12] Speaker C: Little pizzazz.
[00:17:14] Speaker B: Mother.
[00:17:17] Speaker C: There are no dream men, Brenda. There are only dreams.
[00:17:20] Speaker B: Would you cross stitch that on a sampler for me? I'd like to hang that above my phone.
[00:17:25] Speaker A: Now, that is not a throwaway line. Because as you see with the rest of this movie, that's pretty much the center point in my opinion. Again, you put your own opinion in the comments.
That's what this move is about. You know, I titled this the. This episode of Late to the Party Cougar Fantasies and Underlying Fantasies. Let's continue.
I give up.
[00:17:48] Speaker C: I give up.
I always say the wrong thing.
[00:17:53] Speaker B: Well, at least you're consistent.
[00:17:55] Speaker D: Hi. Anybody home?
[00:17:58] Speaker B: Come on in. Frank. Your wife was just telling me what's wrong with my life.
[00:18:03] Speaker D: Oh, really? That's so unlike her.
I hate to rush you to the crib.
[00:18:08] Speaker A: I know.
[00:18:08] Speaker B: I know, darling.
[00:18:09] Speaker C: I don't want to argue with you. I just want you to be happy.
[00:18:12] Speaker B: I am happy, Mother. Won't you just let me be happy?
[00:18:16] Speaker C: Yeah. You have my word. The subject is closed.
Who sent you the flowers?
[00:18:27] Speaker A: I love her.
[00:18:28] Speaker B: My dentist.
[00:18:31] Speaker A: Perfect.
[00:18:32] Speaker B: Checkup.
[00:18:35] Speaker A: Now she is so immature.
She. Her mother doesn't even even know she's going with this dentist. She's sleeping with the man. They obviously have a relationship. So her. She doesn't even told her mother. That's very immature. So I don't know if Brenda's mom has relegated her to the child, to the role of still adult child, even though they're both adults, or Brenda does that just does that to keep her mother out. Might be two things could be true at the same time. But that is so silly. Really, really, in my opinion. You know, tell me what you think. Now I'm gonna fast forward to this because, look, her and the secretary, you know, he gets the job, obviously, because there would be no story. They go to Paris on business. He makes her feel young with his chivalry and his bohemian artist lifestyle. Of course he's an artist. Right? We saw the ponytail, and to me, it is straight out of like old Hollywood movies and romance and whirlwind, blah, blah. Even though they don't sleep together, but they're in Paris, of course, the city of love and romance. And to me, this deludes women, but it sells. Movies and romance novels, but totally unrealistic.
But the dentist, the boyfriend sends her flowers and knows to let her know he cares and he, you know, he trusts her, right? And like I said, nothing happens. But just like Jill Clayberg and it's my turn in which I. Coincidentally, Beverly Garland plays Michael Douglas's mom. But just like in that movie with Jill Clayberg and Michael Douglas, when something does happen at the hotel, her boyfriend and I can't remember the actor's name now he sends her flowers and lets her know he cares. So these women obviously can get men. They just don't know what the heck to do with them. But anyway, so we're gonna fast forward to. To Ma'am. Oh, man. The dentist boyfriend drops the bomb. Bomb diggity bomb on her. So let's go to that.
[00:20:47] Speaker D: Behold the branch ergonomic.
[00:20:50] Speaker A: Okay, so we can stop sharing until that goes away.
But yeah, he dropped a symbiotic companion for the working. It is something else, guys. Okay, so let's go back to that.
Don't. Hold on it. YouTube Just when it's getting juicy, right?
See what this man has to tell her. Cause. Oh my gosh.
So this starts a spiral, if you will. Not a huge spiral.
[00:21:24] Speaker D: Hi.
[00:21:25] Speaker C: Hi.
[00:21:25] Speaker D: Night on time.
[00:21:26] Speaker B: Did you miss me?
[00:21:28] Speaker D: Of course.
[00:21:28] Speaker B: Yeah, I reserved a corner booth, so we better hurry.
[00:21:31] Speaker D: We should talk first.
[00:21:32] Speaker B: Well, we can talk later.
[00:21:33] Speaker D: No, Brenda this is important.
Sit down, please.
[00:21:39] Speaker A: Now, you know what's up. You should. She already should know what's up. But she just. She just thinks she has him on a string, right? Wrapped around her finger.
[00:21:47] Speaker B: Well, what do you want to talk about?
[00:21:49] Speaker D: Well, you know, I was. I was really ticked off when you phoned from Europe.
[00:21:57] Speaker B: I know. I couldn't help it.
[00:21:59] Speaker D: No, I'm not blaming you, Brenda. That's why I sent you the flowers.
[00:22:02] Speaker B: And they were lovely. They really were.
[00:22:04] Speaker D: I know how demanding your job can be. It's just that.
[00:22:07] Speaker A: See, he didn't even tell her.
[00:22:09] Speaker D: Well, anyway, I decided to stay in town for the weekend and do some errands, you know, get a new dish drainer. Finally put up that tie rack.
[00:22:17] Speaker A: She didn't even tell him she went to Europe.
[00:22:20] Speaker D: And then at the hardware store, I met a woman. She was.
Well, I.
I was attracted to her.
[00:22:29] Speaker B: Well, I can understand you're being attracted to someone else, Brian. I've been attracted to other people.
[00:22:34] Speaker D: No, it wasn't just that, Brenda. It was something else. It was more.
She had a light switch that she wanted to fix, and I said I would help her. So I went to her house and met her son.
[00:22:46] Speaker B: She has a child?
[00:22:48] Speaker D: Yeah, Great kid. Eleven years old and a hall boy.
[00:22:53] Speaker A: Uh.
[00:22:53] Speaker D: Oh, it's got a nasty overbite, but I think I can fix that with a retainer.
Anyway, we sat around and talked and got to know each other. And we sent out for pastrami sandwiches, you know, with those really big pickles.
[00:23:07] Speaker B: Brian, what are you saying?
[00:23:10] Speaker D: Well, what I'm saying is. Realized how much I want that, you know, a home, a family, warmth and security of sharing my life.
[00:23:21] Speaker A: Saying it's over.
[00:23:24] Speaker D: What I'm trying to say is.
Well, this might sound crazy, but I want her to marry me.
[00:23:31] Speaker C: Marry you?
[00:23:32] Speaker B: Finish.
You want her to marry you?
[00:23:39] Speaker D: I was crazy. Am. I guess. But it never would have worked out between us. I mean, I think you put it best when you said I'd get tired of caviar every night.
You're too much for me, Brenda.
[00:23:51] Speaker A: What?
[00:23:51] Speaker D: I'm really just a simple kind of guy. And Mary Lou.
[00:23:56] Speaker A: Mary Lou, of course I need Mary Lou.
[00:23:58] Speaker D: Mary Lou needs me. And you don't need anybody. And I need to be needed. And little Joey needs a father and a retainer.
I want you to meet them, Brenda.
[00:24:10] Speaker A: What?
[00:24:11] Speaker D: And you'll understand why I'm so happy. And you'll be happy for me, for all of us. I just want everybody to be happy.
[00:24:18] Speaker A: Wow.
She did a number on him. This man grabbed the first woman with a pulse and a evidence of procreating just so she could stop hurting him.
And my goodness child. So wait, it don't stop there. The hits keep on coming. So then the friend drops another bomb on her. Okay.
And unreal.
So let's go to that.
So you already got dumped by a man you didn't want. Right?
And so now look how she looks.
[00:25:05] Speaker B: I'm glad you're sitting down because what I have to say would knock you off your feet.
Charles proposed. We're getting married. You're what? You heard right. Married.
[00:27:26] Speaker A: Greetings everyone. This is Moya with How Bette Davis Saved My Life.
Greetings everyone. This is Moya with how better.
Greetings everyone. This is Moya with How Bette Davis Saved My Life with a new segment for How Bette Davis Saved My Life, Life lessons from class. Classic Hollywood called Late to the Party.
As you can hear, the party has already started. And what I mean by Late to the Party is recent movies that Georgia and or I have recently seen and you've probably already seen, but we want to talk about it. So sit back, relax and enjoy this brand new segment of How Bette Davis Saved My Life. Life lessons from classic Hollywood called Late to the Party.
All right, thank you. Dj we came in hot into the to the club. Man, I love that.
But yeah, dj, keep that down a little bit. Hi everyone, this is Moya. Like it says, welcome to Late to the Party.
Yes. Hello everyone. DJ you came in hot. The band came in hot.
We had to put you. You ready to roll today? Yes. It's another episode of Late to the Party.
Thank you guys for joining us today. We cannot wait to get get into this movie. I just want to give a special shout out to the late great Gene Hackman. He I first knew of him and and y'all, if you don't know by now, Gene Hackman and his wife unfortunately passed away this week under very weird circumstances. And so you know, they're trying to see what's that, what that's all about.
But I first knew him from Superman and as Lex Luthor. I didn't know about his other past achievement, that he was an Oscar winner and all that stuff. And then fast forward one of my favorite movies of all time, the Unforgiven, he and Clint Eastwood where he won his second Oscar for best supporting actor. So shout out to Gene Hackman and we hope we get some answers because it just seems really, just really weird. And he was 95 guys. And I just love the way he carried himself in Hollywood. Gene Hackman did his job.
He didn't know anything about his personal life as well, and I know I didn't. So he did his job, kept his whatever to himself. And all you knew that was Gene Hackman was an actor, and I appreciate him for that. So, guys, let's. Let's say prayers for his family, and we hope nothing was suspicious. We hope he. He and his wife and a dog, guys, we hope that nothing. There was no foul play. So. All right, let's get into today's movie, and I'm going to kind of stop our music a little bit. So, dj, I got my drink, I'm ready, and I'm chilled out. Thank you, band or DJ for your music. I can't really see because this room is cloud crowded with a bunch of people, which is. Okay. All right, so I'm going to step into a quiet room so you and I, we can get into this movie. The World's Oldest Living Bride Maid, starring Ms. Donna Mills, aka Abby. Aka Abby from Knots Landing. Y'all remember that? The spin off of Dallas? She used to do that, right? That was the movie. So let's start it off. We're gonna see her and a friend there in New York, Manhattan, and they're going to work.
And all the twin towers.
Let's get some good volume going.
[00:32:32] Speaker B: So here we are in the middle of a crowded restaurant where everyone can hear, and he says, now, you had the side order of asparagus, and I had the chocolate mousse and the onion soup. He was dividing it to the penny. What a jerk. He said he could tell I was a liberated.
You know what you should have done? You should have paid the whole check, left a huge tip, and gone home alone.
What do you think?
Come on.
[00:33:04] Speaker A: So like I said, they're going to work. They're in downtown Manhattan. Check out the.
The. The clothes, guys. So this is 1990, and they are. You're gonna have some fabulous wear in here. The shoulder pads and the heels and accessories. The businesswoman, a chic businesswoman, so make sure you check that out as well. But this is her best friend, and they're talking about their ups and. Well, her ups and downs and dating. You're going to see that Donna Mills already has a. My own. Okay, she is dating a dentist. So let's go into that piece and get into that.
And this is her receptionist letting her know her boyfriend's on the phone. All right.
[00:33:58] Speaker B: Ms. Morgan's office.
Oh, sure.
[00:34:01] Speaker A: Dr. Anderson, could you hold on?
[00:34:03] Speaker B: It's your dreamy dentist.
Thank you.
[00:34:11] Speaker C: Hi.
[00:34:12] Speaker B: You certainly have an interesting suicide manner, doctor.
You hungry?
[00:34:20] Speaker D: I was hoping you'd ask.
[00:34:22] Speaker B: I'm not sure what I have, but.
Want to go exploring?
[00:34:26] Speaker D: I'd love to, but let's eat first.
[00:34:37] Speaker B: See what we have.
Ah, yogurt.
[00:34:45] Speaker A: Sorry about that. Now look at this man's physique. I just got a comment on this.
Let's assume this guy is the same age of her age as her.
Let's take another look at him. Hold on. And obviously, you know, he. He got some skills. I mean, ain't exactly holding hands, right? So let's take a look at his physic cube, better known as physique. And. Okay, that. That thing's the best way we're gonna get it. This dude, he's tall, tan and terrific. Look at him. He's like, you know, a mature Ken doll. I ain't mad at him.
[00:35:20] Speaker B: Yogurt, Perrier.
[00:35:21] Speaker A: Look at him.
[00:35:22] Speaker B: Vitamins.
[00:35:23] Speaker A: And he has hair.
[00:35:24] Speaker B: Artichoke hearts.
[00:35:26] Speaker D: I guess we can order pizza.
[00:35:27] Speaker A: I already said he's a dentist.
[00:35:29] Speaker B: Look, caviar.
[00:35:31] Speaker D: Do you have any eggs? No, I bought a dozen last weekend.
[00:35:36] Speaker A: Really?
[00:35:39] Speaker B: Eggs.
[00:35:40] Speaker D: Two caviar omelets coming up.
This is nice.
I could become addicted.
[00:35:50] Speaker B: I think you'd even get tired of caviar after a while.
[00:35:54] Speaker D: That's not what I meant, Brenda. You know it.
I like you a lot. And when two people like each other, they usually do something about it.
[00:36:03] Speaker B: We just did, didn't we?
[00:36:08] Speaker D: I'm thinking of making some changes. Just take some time to relax. Enjoy the simple things.
You could learn to cook.
[00:36:20] Speaker B: You already know how to cook.
[00:36:22] Speaker D: But I could teach you.
[00:36:25] Speaker B: But you know what they say about too many cooks.
[00:36:28] Speaker D: You could do anything you want.
You could quit work. I make enough money for both of us.
[00:36:35] Speaker B: So do I.
I know you do, honey.
[00:36:40] Speaker D: It was just a suggestion. I thought maybe that you'd like some changes too. I'm just trying to make you happy.
[00:36:47] Speaker B: I am happy. I don't want anything to change. I like things just the way they are.
[00:36:55] Speaker D: Okay.
[00:36:57] Speaker A: Okay, bruh. Okay, guys, what do you get out of this? She's not lying to him.
This guy just asked her to be his wife. And to her credit, she's being honest.
She's not feeling him like that. Right. Okay, but what do women say they want? This man is tall, tan, terrific. He. He a high value man, as they say. He is a dentist. Successful dentist. He just said, I make enough money for both of us. Now we gotta assume these people like I said, Donna Mills is not age. She might be in her 40s here, because I believe Donna Mills in, like, in her 70s. Now. She looks exactly the same. Go check her out on YouTube. I saw some recent footage of her looks exactly the same. But let's. They got to be in, like, their late 40s, let's say, you know, let's guess. And so basically, this guy is just a sex machine for her. What do you think? Am I reading too much into this? You let me know, please, please, please tell them in the comments. But he seems to be the dream guy, yet she's not feeling him like that. So anyway, y'all marinate on that. You know, like I said, I could be reading too much into it. But let's go meet Alexander, the young guy, because, you know, that's the name of this episode of Late to the Party is Cougar Fantasies. And you would know a cougar. Older woman. Older woman. Way older woman, Younger man. All right, so let's meet the. The object of her desire. So this is. We're gonna meet Alexander. She needs a new secretary because, like, she wants to try to hide the fact that her secretary beat her to the altar. Jane. And got married, moved to Alaska. So she needs a new secretary. So let's take a look at the. The young guy and. And see what he's got going on.
[00:38:50] Speaker D: Hi, I'm Alexander Dante.
[00:38:55] Speaker B: You're a man.
[00:38:57] Speaker D: Have been for years.
[00:38:59] Speaker B: I'm sorry, it's just that I was expecting.
All the other applicants have been female.
Sit down, please.
[00:39:08] Speaker D: Well, at least you won't forget my face.
[00:39:15] Speaker B: Well, your test scores indicate your skills are excellent, Mr. Dante.
[00:39:21] Speaker A: Now, look, let's take a look at him. Not my type.
Kind of goofy looking to me. But again, ain't my movie. And he's not really dressed for success. He got a ponytail. He doesn't look corporate. Let's say that. So Brian Wimmer, I believe, and I think he was on some show on cbs.
Northern Exposure. I don't know. I think that's it. I don't. I don't know. Please let me know in the comments. Like I said, it's not my type, but, you know, whatever. But he's young, okay?
And she's the boss. He. She's the employer. He's the employee. So let's keep all that in our mind, right? All right, so I'm gonna fast forward. So we got to look at the. The gentleman. I'm gonna fast forward. Let's meet Brenda's mom, played by Beverly Garland. She's been in everything. And check out the fashion. I love the mom. She's probably the least offensive and the smartest person in the movie. So let's see what she's about because she's going to really drop some science as we used to say back in the day, on.
On her daughter. Okay.
Ms. Morgan, your mother's here. She's fabulous.
[00:40:39] Speaker C: Oh, hi mother.
[00:40:41] Speaker A: Hi. Careful. She is totally giving me day to night Barbie with the pink and white outfit. Hold on guys, I gotta interrupt this.
Let's. Let's look at this because she is totally doing it right? Day to night Barbado. That was in 1984.
Let's take a look at it because this is so funny.
She got it down past. So they totally reproed this, right? So if you want to buy this here on ebay. But yeah, she is totally giving that. That vibe of day to night Barbie. Okay, the hat. Look at the hat right there. Too cute. Too cute, too cute. But anyway, let's go back to this.
All right, I got it.
[00:41:36] Speaker B: Oh, you've been shopping, I see.
[00:41:38] Speaker C: Well, I just happen to be in the neighborhood.
[00:41:39] Speaker B: You going to stay for lunch?
[00:41:40] Speaker C: No, no, no. I can only see a minute and I.
Oh, I'm sorry.
[00:41:44] Speaker B: This is my new secretary, Alex Dante. This is my mother, Edith Pierce.
[00:41:48] Speaker A: Look at him. Messy, messy, messy. No, thanks.
[00:41:51] Speaker B: Why don't you ask Debbie, who is the receptionist, where those files are.
[00:41:54] Speaker A: Right.
[00:41:54] Speaker B: Thanks.
[00:41:58] Speaker A: Hmm.
[00:41:59] Speaker C: Male secretary.
[00:42:02] Speaker B: Men type faster, huh? Shorter nails.
[00:42:08] Speaker C: What happened to Jane?
[00:42:10] Speaker B: She moved to Alaska. Alaska?
[00:42:12] Speaker A: Alaska.
[00:42:13] Speaker C: Grown up with eligible men. I bet she won't be sing along.
[00:42:17] Speaker B: Probably not.
[00:42:18] Speaker C: Well, Frank is going to pick me up here and then we're going to a matinee. But first I.
I wanted to give you this.
[00:42:28] Speaker B: Aw, thank you. How sweet.
[00:42:33] Speaker C: Why are you wearing your hair like that?
[00:42:35] Speaker B: It was raining out.
[00:42:36] Speaker A: Mother.
I love her.
[00:42:48] Speaker C: You don't like it, do you?
[00:42:51] Speaker B: Well, I don't think it's really me.
[00:42:57] Speaker C: Ah, well, I should have known better. I just thought maybe you'd like something different. Something with a little pizzazz.
[00:43:07] Speaker B: Mother, have I ever done anything. Have I ever said anything that indicated to you in any way, shape or form that I was interested in pizzazz?
[00:43:16] Speaker A: Now, my mother was sort of like this. She still dressed me full adult to like before. Like right before she died. She still was buying me all kind. Never asked for it now. And she sometimes would hit and. And it was hit or miss. But she was sometime hidden and buy me stuff I liked. But yes. So let me know in the comments. Do your Parents, especially moms. Do they still dress you and buy you stuff? And how does that work out? I think this is so hilarious.
[00:43:44] Speaker C: Darling, I don't want to hurt your feelings. I mean, you know how proud I am of you. I think. I think you are brilliant. I think you are beautiful. It's just that I don't understand. With all your success and all the people you know, you have never gotten married.
[00:44:00] Speaker B: Maybe I've just never met my dream man.
[00:44:03] Speaker C: There are no dream men, Brenda. There are only dreams.
[00:44:06] Speaker B: Wait, would you cross stitch that on a sampler for me? I'd like to hang that above my phone.
[00:44:11] Speaker A: Yes.
Say it again, Mom. For the people in the back.
Yes, Say that again.
[00:44:18] Speaker C: Never gotten married.
[00:44:21] Speaker B: Maybe I've just never met my dream man.
[00:44:23] Speaker C: There are no dream men, Brenda. There are only dreams.
[00:44:27] Speaker B: Would you cross stitch that on a sampler for me? I'd like to hang that above my phone.
[00:44:32] Speaker A: Now that is not a throwaway line because as you will see in the movie. What did I call this again? Cougar fantasies.
That line, the movie really is, in my opinion, centered around that. So you guys let me know in the comments what you think.
[00:44:51] Speaker C: I give up. I give up.
I always say the wrong thing.
[00:44:57] Speaker B: Well, at least you're consistent.
[00:44:59] Speaker D: Hi. Anybody home?
[00:45:01] Speaker B: Come on in. Frank, your wife was just telling me what's wrong with my life.
[00:45:07] Speaker D: Oh, really? That's so unlike her.
I hate to rush you to the pregnant.
[00:45:12] Speaker C: I know, I know, darling, I don't want to argue with you. I just want you to be happy.
[00:45:17] Speaker A: Now guys, I forgot to mention this. Okay.
Mom's remarried.
Brenda. She has a dentist. A very success, successful man. And you'll see later on some other things.
So I have a friend who.
She's good looking, like Brenda, okay? Gorgeous. But she couldn't. She doesn't. She wants to get married now. And it kind of probably in the same age group.
And you know, the wall is undefeated because you. We all notice, whether you dig it or not. Men. What do we have to offer men? Our youth and the ability to procreate. Okay. And what. Vice versa. What the men. What do men have to offer us? Security. Okay, In. In a. In a. In a logical, traditional sense. Get. Take away all the other stuff of. Of the modern woman and man, if you will. But traditionally speaking, right. So my friend, she's beyond that. She would be in a high risk pregnancy can category. And she's not young. I just told you, she's like in her early to mid-40s. So now she wants to get married. And what have you. So she is on.
She's with a dating group and she pays money for it. I think it's ridiculous. She. Anyway, she's asking other women how to get men and the other woman, or no, the woman is divorced. I don't know if she's dating now, but what in the world could she tell me? Or tell her you don't have a man and you don't look the part. She was overweight. Look, at least fool me when you're taking my money. At least look like Donna Mills, who actually has a high value man and the kind of man that we said security. Okay, so I'm gonna tell my friend to look at this movie. I just thought about that. But my point is you've. Donna Mills has in this movie that we know it's fiction. But a lot of women, they waste their youth because they've what the career was everything, right? And so like I said, a wall is undefeated. Time. Time is a friend of no one. And you kind of fooling yourself if you think you can still dictate about time. Cause it's not on your side. You can't. You can't do it.
[00:47:49] Speaker B: I am happy, Mother. Won't you just let me be happy?
[00:47:53] Speaker C: Yeah, you have my word. The subject is closed.
Who sent you the flowers?
[00:48:05] Speaker B: My dentist.
Perfect checkup.
[00:48:11] Speaker A: Now that's really sad because they're both adults. You. Why can't you have. So she really is just using that dentist for sex? I think because you don't even tell your mother she's not serious about him. You don't even tell your mother you're dating. Y'all not in high school. Y'all two adults. Your mother's a married woman. She knows about sex. She has a man. She wants you to have a man. Why would you hide that from her? So it's very silly. But, you know, a lot of times adults, we still with our parents, we have these still. We still relegated to roles of children. Are you like that? Do you know anybody like that? That's ridiculous. My mother sometimes tried to do that to me, but I wasn't having it. I always been womanish since I was a little girl, so that was not going to work on me. Bye. Bye.
[00:48:57] Speaker D: Bye.
Ms. Morgan, these are ready for you to sign.
[00:49:04] Speaker B: They're all ready.
[00:49:05] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:49:06] Speaker B: Have you checked for errors?
[00:49:09] Speaker D: Ready to go.
[00:49:12] Speaker A: So I'm gonna move us on down the line, guys.
And there's not a whole lot that goes on right there.
So I'm gonna fast forward because they have to Go to Europe. Have to go to Paris, her and her secretary, for business. So avoid these foods who. Avoid dark spots.
[00:49:34] Speaker D: Good.
[00:49:35] Speaker A: Kiwi. Kiwi fruits are packed.
[00:49:37] Speaker B: Polyphenols.
[00:49:38] Speaker A: But. So they go to Paris. And of course, it's the stuff that romance novels and such are built on. Right? And so I'ma fast forward to that. And. But what's so funny is that the dentist sends her flowers, more roses when she's in Paris. Now, you'll find out later. That's significant.
Sends her flowers just like Jill Clayberg. And it's my turn with Michael Douglas when the other actor, I can't remember his name, he sent her flowers when she went to visit her dad in New York to let him. Let her know I still care. And I'm thinking about you. And coincidentally, Beverly Garland played Michael Douglas's mother. Isn't that crazy? Everything comes full circle. But anyway, these guys, this guy, that's this. He is in love with her. He cares about her, but I. She is just using him for a good time. And let's just. We saw sex. They obviously enjoy sex with each. With each other. So I'm gonna fast forward. Cause, honey, the dentist drops a bomb on her. So they go to Paris on the guy, the. The secretary. Nothing happens. But he. He, again, is romance novels, old Hollywood movies kind of stuff. So he shows her his bohemian lifestyle. He's an artist and, you know, he's chivalrous and all this kind of stuff. Which is so crazy because the dentist, he's sweet, but he ain't young.
And she's comfortable. Right? Okay, so let's go to this bombshell that he about to drop on her.
[00:51:25] Speaker D: Hi.
[00:51:25] Speaker C: Hi.
[00:51:26] Speaker D: Right on time.
[00:51:27] Speaker B: You miss me?
[00:51:28] Speaker D: Of course.
[00:51:29] Speaker B: Yeah. I reserved a corner booth, so we better hurry.
[00:51:32] Speaker D: We should talk first.
[00:51:33] Speaker B: Well, we can talk later.
[00:51:34] Speaker D: No, Brenda, this is important.
Sit down, please.
[00:51:47] Speaker B: Well, what do you want to talk about?
[00:51:49] Speaker D: Well, you know, I was. I was really ticked off when you phoned from Europe.
[00:51:56] Speaker B: I know. I couldn't help it.
[00:51:58] Speaker D: No, I'm not blaming you, Brenda. That's why I sent you the flowers.
[00:52:01] Speaker B: And they were lovely.
[00:52:02] Speaker A: So, you see, she didn't even tell him she was going to Europe. Bro Ran.
[00:52:09] Speaker B: They really were.
[00:52:10] Speaker D: I know how demanding your job can be. It's just that.
Well, anyway, I decided to stay in town for the weekend and do some errands, you know, get a new dish drainer. Finally put up that tie rack.
And then at the hardware store, I mean, I met a woman. She was.
Well, I.
I was attracted to her.
[00:52:35] Speaker B: Well, I can understand you're being attracted to someone else. Brian, I. I've been attracted to other people.
[00:52:40] Speaker D: No, it wasn't just that, Brenda. It was something else. It was more.
She had a light switch that she wanted to fix, and I said I would help her. So I went to her house and met her son.
[00:52:52] Speaker B: She has a child?
[00:52:54] Speaker D: Yeah.
[00:52:54] Speaker A: Uh.
[00:52:54] Speaker D: Oh, great kid. 11 years old and all. Boy, he's got a nasty overbite, but I think I can fix that with a retainer.
Anyway, we sat around and talked and got to know each other. And we sent out for pastrami sandwiches, you know, with those really big pickles.
[00:53:12] Speaker B: Brian, what are you saying?
[00:53:15] Speaker A: It's over?
[00:53:16] Speaker D: What I'm saying is I realized how much I want that, you know, home, family, warmth and security of sharing my life with someone.
What I'm trying to say is.
Well, this might sound crazy, but I want her to marry me.
[00:53:37] Speaker B: Marry you?
[00:53:37] Speaker A: Fin, I.
[00:53:40] Speaker B: You want her to marry you?
[00:53:44] Speaker D: I was grateful crazy about you, Brenda. I still am, I guess. But it never would have worked out between us. I mean, I think you put it best when you said I'd get tired of caviar every night.
You're too much for me, Brenda.
[00:53:56] Speaker A: Oh, wow.
[00:53:56] Speaker D: I'm really just a simple kind of guy. And Mary Lou.
[00:54:02] Speaker B: Mary Lou.
[00:54:03] Speaker D: Mary Lou needs me. And you don't need anybody. And I need to be needed. And little Joey needs a father and a retainer.
I want you to meet them, Brenda.
[00:54:16] Speaker A: What?
[00:54:16] Speaker D: And you'll understand why I'm so happy. And you'll be happy for me. For all of us. I just want everybody to be happy.
[00:54:29] Speaker A: This poor man. This woman has driven this man insane. He has fallen to the arms of the first woman with a pulse and evidence that she can procreate. It could have been. It could have. Like my mom said, Phyllis Diller could have walked in the door. He was there. She has screwed with him so much and just jerked him around.
And so. And I love this because men have feelings too. And Brian's a little weird, but men have feelings too. Now, it's probably going to be a disaster between Mary Lou because, you know, she.
Hey, I'm just being honest. Like most human beings, especially as a woman as well, when we. He reeks of desperation. I hope they spend a little bit more time getting to know each other.
But hey, you know, this is very, very, very. He's on a rebound. This is very realistic. And boom, he broke up with her. How you love that. Now, let's get ready for the next bombshell. Okay, that's gonna take her right on over the edge, yo. All right, so bombshell number one. And so she got. She's going to meet her friend and look how she looks, guys. It's so freaking funny.
[00:55:45] Speaker B: I have a double vodka martini straight up.
[00:55:50] Speaker A: She is shattered. I love it.
[00:55:56] Speaker B: Am I glad you're sitting down, because what I have to say would knock you off your feet.
[00:56:02] Speaker A: Now, guys, can you guess what her friends are gonna say? You already know what you're gonna say. You already know.
Put it in the comments.
[00:56:14] Speaker B: What?
Charles proposed. We're getting married. You want. You heard, right? Married.
I'm getting married.
I thought you said he was gonna dump me. Well, I thought so, too, but then he took me to this crazy little diner with a great jukebox, and he had the waitress serenade me. And then I told Charles it was too extravagant, but he insisted.
Well, isn't this a little sudden? Charles said when you strike gold, you should stop digging.
He's so perfect. This is great. Just great.
[00:57:02] Speaker A: It really is Kirby enthusiasm. Look at the earrings. I had these earrings like this. Did you all have earrings like this? Pearls were, like, really big in the 90s. It was like exaggerated pearls. And the teardrops. And then you had this piece here. Love that. And look at the shoulder pads. We saw what she had on earlier. I love this, Bob. I have a wig like this. And yes, it is blonde. I literally have the same wig. So this is so, like pre sex in the City, right?
This is so. I. I love this. This is like they're the grand grandmas or the aunties of Sex in the City. So anyway.
Excuse me, friends. Gets. Gets married. I'm gonna fast forward to that. So bombshell. I mean, she got the double whammy, right, guys? So the friend is getting married, and I'm so. I'm skip past all that. So she's the bridesmaid. Let's quickly look at the clothes. All right, so her and the secretary, they bond, I guess. I don't know. Chinese food, whatever. So let's look at the fashion, y'all. So this is the reception.
[00:58:10] Speaker D: You look more like a pallbearer than a bridesmaid.
[00:58:13] Speaker B: I know, but I'm losing my best friend.
Silly. But I feel so left behind and.
[00:58:19] Speaker A: Left over and left out. Don't, because you are next.
[00:58:23] Speaker D: There's another Charles out there just ready.
[00:58:25] Speaker C: The question is, is Miss America ready for him?
[00:58:29] Speaker B: What is that supposed to mean?
[00:58:30] Speaker C: Well, honey, it's not as if you never been asked to be married. I mean, half the Men in this room have been after you at one time or another, but you would never give them the time of day.
[00:58:39] Speaker A: Preach, mom.
Preach, Mom. So like my grandma used to say it, not as eloquently, you pick, you pick, you pickish.
Did you hear what she just said?
This woman has no problem attracting men. She's at Donna Mills and AKA Brenda. It's gorgeous, right? But what is her problem? Do you think her mother has influenced her? She's. Is she rebelling against her mother and tradition? Because we know this, this reeks of some light feminist tones, okay? And then you know, there's something for some feminism light, you know, not, not shout out to the great late Rush Limbaugh feminazi type stuff. Stuff. But there's nothing wrong with being want to be financially secure and independent on your own. But then at what cost? Because if you like men and men like you, some man is going to want. Apparently some men wanted to marry this woman. So. And like again all the time don't care about nobody. The wall is undefeated.
You do not have all this time. So I love mom, but look at what she has on. Look at the puffy sleeves and the that rose color, that pink. Gorgeous. So she looks like Barbie doll. And what, what mom called a Miss America gorge. Look at the pearls. When I tell you pearls were really huge then I mean what I don't.
[01:00:08] Speaker C: Understand is why you feel left out. You always did the leaving.
[01:00:11] Speaker B: That's not true.
[01:00:12] Speaker D: Yes, I think think you were left out.
[01:00:17] Speaker C: You always did the leaving.
[01:00:19] Speaker B: That's not true.
[01:00:20] Speaker A: You hear what she said? I don't know why you always feel left out. You always do the leaving.
So she runs away. She has abandonment issues. So she ain't even a runaway bride because it's called the world's oldest living bridesmaid. So she didn't even get that far. So clearly this lady may have some abandonment issues. Let me know what you think in the comments.
[01:00:40] Speaker D: I think you were a little hard on her, dear.
[01:00:44] Speaker C: I say the wrong thing.
[01:00:48] Speaker A: I love him. I love him. Look at her with the pebbler.
We love it.
So look, I'm a fast forward because she has a pity party. Let's take out the bride's dress real quick. So look, they did the short route, I believe. Yeah, look at the dress. I love it. It's so 90s and I'm glad the woman, the bride did not wear like a long foo foo grandma's kitchen curtains because you're too old for that. That's for the young maiden, right? So I love what she has on. Let's take a look at it.
You have to. She did the age appropriate and for those who don't know, I have the tea because you know, this was nothing but tea we spilling up in here. So I'm drinking my tea. You know, I love it. Giving you all the tea.
So let's.
Yeah, let's check it out.
[01:01:50] Speaker B: You've done it all before. Don't worry, it'll come back to you.
[01:01:54] Speaker A: So even the bride, as much as she wanted to, she would have given her right eye to get married. It's time to get married. And I think she already got married as a receptionist the reception. And so even she is having second thoughts now. But we thought you wanted to be a wife.
Anyway, these bras don't know what they want. So look, I'm a fast forward. So she having a pity party because she, like I said, she felt left behind her friends getting married. She's not married. She's the oldest world's oldest living bride maid. So she has a pity part. And what does she do now? What she's gonna do. Guys, what do you think she's going to do?
You let me know in the comments. What's her next move? Let's. Let's do it.
Look at this.
[01:02:40] Speaker B: That's great.
Because I. I wanted to go over it tomorrow.
Well, actually I just happened to be in your neighborhood.
[01:02:53] Speaker A: Now it's late and she wants to talk quote unquote business. She's in just happens to be in Alex. Alex's neighborhood.
[01:03:11] Speaker D: Hi.
[01:03:12] Speaker B: Hi.
[01:03:13] Speaker D: Come on in.
[01:03:14] Speaker B: Thanks.
This place is lovely.
[01:03:25] Speaker D: Well, you're the first person that's ever said that about it. Can I get you something to drink?
[01:03:30] Speaker B: Oh, thank you. That'd be love. Lovely.
[01:03:34] Speaker A: Now look, let's skip all this kind of stuff. Look, you know what happened. Look, look, look. Everybody waiting on it right here. The most replay.
Let's get it on.
All right, y'all already know what's up. Okay, so they. Here we go with that. That going down the mills and we see her wrapped in a sheet. That's what's up. We already know what's happening.
Now y'all go back and look at all that y'all. So you already know what's up. So look, here she is taking a walk of shame. Not so. Not so much walk of shame. I would say she just got finished getting her back blown out by a young buck. All right, Put it. Put it into Jay's terms.
[01:04:14] Speaker B: Okay, so you go to the office and tell Tell them I called in. No, I better do that myself. I'll do it as soon as I get home.
[01:04:20] Speaker A: All right, so then she try to figure out how to keep this relationship or this, whatever you want, situationship, as they like to say sometimes keep it under wraps or the whole office doesn't knows. And come on now, people read by like me. You read body language. All right, so this. We're fast forwarding because. Look at those. The messy. I love them. The messy.
The messy secretaries.
[01:04:46] Speaker D: Oh, Judge Pallone called. He wants to hear from me right away.
[01:04:50] Speaker B: Thank you very much. Alex.
[01:04:51] Speaker A: They are doing it. Doing what? It. Oh, come on, that's ridiculous.
Do you really think so?
[01:05:01] Speaker C: I know so.
[01:05:04] Speaker A: That's me.
This woman. That's me.
Ah. I try to turn my spidey freaky sense off. Or spidey, you know, somebody getting down with somebody else. I try to turn that off, but it just doesn't happen. So fail. Donna Mills. Brenda and what's his name, the young man. Fail. Y'all. Totally failed. All right, so is all. Everything's out in the open. Let's quote the late great Johnny Taylor, blues singer. All right, so we're going to fast forward now to the part that just took me out.
This is when Alex's sister Jeie comes to visit. Shout out to the actress she played, George Costanza from Seinfeld. Secretary in another coincidence that he was secretly sleeping with. Isn't that crazy?
So, well, she let that sexy coover cougar have it, y'all. She let Brenda have it. Super shady and side eye to that ancient seductress. So let's take a look at that. Cuz she felt she was maybe seducing and taking advantage of her brother. And shout out to her for stand. Standing up to her brother. She told me. Up. So she pops by her brother's house and hilarity ensues for me. So here's her. Here's. Here's his sister. Jeannie.
[01:06:33] Speaker D: Jeannie. Surprise.
[01:06:36] Speaker B: I know I should have called, but.
[01:06:38] Speaker A: I wanted to surprise you.
[01:06:39] Speaker B: Nick's looking for a parking spot and we bought lots of goodies.
[01:06:43] Speaker D: You're spoiling me.
[01:06:44] Speaker B: Oh, if I don't spoil you, who will?
Alex, Do I have to keep holding this?
[01:06:51] Speaker D: Sorry.
[01:06:53] Speaker A: Wow.
Who was at the door?
[01:06:56] Speaker D: Oh.
[01:06:57] Speaker B: Oh, hi.
Excuse me.
[01:07:00] Speaker A: You didn't tell me you had company.
[01:07:02] Speaker D: If you would have called, I would have.
Brenda, my sister.
[01:07:06] Speaker A: Jeannie. Jeannie. Brenda.
[01:07:08] Speaker B: Jeannie. Hi, I'm Brenda Morgan. It's a pleasure to meet you. Alex has told me so much about You? Really?
[01:07:14] Speaker A: He doesn't tell me anything about you.
[01:07:18] Speaker C: Wait a minute.
[01:07:19] Speaker A: Brenda Morgan.
[01:07:20] Speaker B: My name sounds very familiar.
It's a very common name. There are pages of it in the phone book.
So how did you and Alex meet?
We worked together.
[01:07:37] Speaker A: Oh, you mean you're Ms. Morgan?
[01:07:40] Speaker D: Mm, only in the office.
[01:07:45] Speaker B: Well, please forgive me. I. I didn't realize that you two.
[01:07:49] Speaker C: Were.
[01:07:52] Speaker A: Doing the deed.
It is a little peculiar taking. Taking dictations.
Yes, indeed. Hey, Mary. Hey. Good to see you.
[01:08:06] Speaker B: What's up?
[01:08:07] Speaker D: Did you want to make up the stairs?
[01:08:08] Speaker A: Yeah, barely.
[01:08:09] Speaker D: Want you to meet someone.
[01:08:11] Speaker B: Oh, hi. You must be. This is my son, Gregory.
[01:08:16] Speaker D: Greg.
[01:08:16] Speaker B: Hi. I'm Brain.
[01:08:20] Speaker D: Dad is bringing enough food for an army.
[01:08:22] Speaker B: Oh, well, we can't stay. Hey.
[01:08:28] Speaker D: Anyone from home?
Hey, when are you getting an elevator? The exercise is good for you.
[01:08:33] Speaker A: Oh, yeah?
[01:08:34] Speaker D: Well, it's good for my appetite too. Let's eat.
[01:08:36] Speaker B: Oh, hello, Honey, this is Alex's boss, Ms. Morgan.
[01:08:44] Speaker D: Nicholas Alessandro at your service, Ms. Morgan.
[01:08:46] Speaker B: Brenda.
[01:08:48] Speaker D: Oh, well, you don't look like the lawyers I know.
[01:08:52] Speaker B: We come in all shapes and sizes. So, Brenda, how long have you been a lawyer?
Oh, I don't know. I guess about 14. 14 years.
14 years.
Just think, Nick. When Brenda was graduating from law school, Alex was still playing on the junior varsity.
[01:09:17] Speaker A: Isn't that something?
[01:09:19] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Something.
[01:09:21] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:09:24] Speaker D: Would you excuse us for a minute?
[01:09:26] Speaker A: No, sure, go ahead. Take your time.
Y'all, that tore me up. The way she grabbed her son. Told me up. She's like, oh, no, you ain't gonna do that to my child, you little seduct. Seductress. Okay, so then they go to this party, and they both make idiots out of themselves. So I'll just let you take a look at that. It's gonna be a lot of this morning on. Take it off today. An incredible. So we. We. Okay, we'll wait till that pass. So they go to. She brings him out after he words. Words. Her nerves to death for him to bring. For her to bring him out with her because he feels like, oh, you are ashamed of me. You don't bring me around your friends, but all we do is have sex. So again, I'm kind of getting the vibe that this woman just, you know, sees men as a piece of meat. Maybe. Is it just me, y'all? Let me know what y'all think.
So look what this dude has on. Looking like Colonel Sanders, son.
Okay, wait, let's look what she has on.
[01:10:38] Speaker B: I told you so.
[01:10:40] Speaker A: Wait, I think I love this. So elegante. Donna Mills is a Beast, just gorgeous. I'm told you. She said she looks exactly the same, too. What is that?
[01:10:55] Speaker B: Okay, I say strike.
[01:10:57] Speaker A: Okay, well. No, no, no, no.
Okay, here we go. Sorry.
[01:11:04] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:11:08] Speaker A: I'm kind of getting it. I'm just pressing all the wrong buttons. Okay, let's take a look at this dress, though. Let's get a regular. I mean, another look at this dress.
I love that. With the unpaired waist. And then look like she has it. I don't know if it's metal, but like a gold piece of rope that is wrapped or it's inserted into the top of the dress. Almost like a knot with some gold inset. And gain some gold accessories. I love it. Well, anyway, this was a disaster because he was out of place. He made. He didn't fit in. He didn't know how to speak the lingo with all these executives and lawyers. And she was kind of mad because he had bullied her, and she told him that you weren't going to fit in. And I can see it from both sides. But, ma'am, the dude is not a. You know, he's not an idiot. He. Again, men have feelings. He's. You're his lady. He's supposed to be your man. He's gonna want to come out of the shadows and meet and greet you. Met his. His people when y'all were in Paris or his. His crew, the people he like to hang out. So, you know, let's. Let's do some reciprocity. So anyway, they go there, and I'm going to skip, skip along and. Because to me.
So they have a. They have a huge fight. And let's see. Can we see the more of the dress?
Let's see.
I just want to see some more of the dress.
Look at all the people. So they have such a.
A kerfuffle. I thought they made two complete fools out of themselves. So everybody comes out. They're yelling and screaming on the staircase where everybody sees it. So now everybody know they're getting down. All right. Y'all are horrible at hiding relationships. Secret lovers. No. Fail, fail, fail. All right, so now they, you know, they had their breakup, and here we go. He's leaving, okay. Cause he can't. You know, you never crap where you eat, right?
Y'all should have known that.
Did you really think this was gonna work? Well, anyway, he's leaving.
[01:13:19] Speaker D: Okay?
Tell her she can keep these, too.
[01:13:25] Speaker A: Now. Power dynamic. He has to leave now. He needs his job. Right? But she's the boss, so he has to leave. Okay? So. And we know that. We. The. The. These stories never, almost never get told about the women. A reverse power dynamic of. Because if he wants to, he could have a heck of a sexual harassment suit, right? But we do. This happens. They just don't report it. Where it's. Reverse power dynamic, where women, you know, hey, they're the boss. And they might throw their weight around and get the man, you know, the little secretary, the little intern. But, you know, I'm tired of trying to film.
Whatever, bro. Let's go. So. All right. Bye, Brenda, you know, she's hurt or whatever, and so now her friend, this.
[01:14:19] Speaker B: Guy in the movie business, too.
[01:14:20] Speaker A: No, the friend who got married. She's gonna hook her up with a new man. Okay, let's look.
[01:14:28] Speaker B: Oh, he's a doctor.
[01:14:30] Speaker C: A doctor?
[01:14:32] Speaker B: Mother, all doctors aren't perfect. Haven't you ever heard of malpractice insurance?
[01:14:37] Speaker C: What kind of a doctor?
[01:14:39] Speaker B: A cardiovascular surgeon.
[01:14:43] Speaker A: A cardiovascular surgeon?
[01:14:49] Speaker D: You must be bread now.
[01:14:51] Speaker B: Yes, if even when I don't want to be.
[01:14:56] Speaker D: Well, the apartment needs a few touches, but I can walk to the hospital. And I've got my boat at the 23rd Street Marina. Sounds like you're all set. Well, just about.
I'm sure I'll feel more at home once I start going to the theater and the opera.
[01:15:13] Speaker B: Brenda is an opera freak. Aren't you?
[01:15:19] Speaker C: Hmm?
[01:15:21] Speaker B: Freak.
[01:15:24] Speaker C: I think he's wonderful.
[01:15:26] Speaker B: I'm glad you like him.
[01:15:27] Speaker C: He obviously adores you.
[01:15:29] Speaker B: He's very good to me.
[01:15:31] Speaker C: He has a yacht.
[01:15:32] Speaker B: It's not a yacht, Mother. It's a boat.
[01:15:35] Speaker C: Did you know Frank and I love boating?
[01:15:37] Speaker B: What a coincidence.
[01:15:39] Speaker C: Oh, you two are becoming quite.
[01:15:41] Speaker A: I saw. You saw the nautical outfit. Let's look at that again. I love how so. This is so old Hollywood. I'm getting, like, Joan Crawford vibes where they dress you for each scene. I love it. So there's her. Dusty. She does a lot of pink in this movie, doesn't she? That's a good color for her. Dusty. Pink, like rose.
[01:16:01] Speaker B: I'm glad you like him.
[01:16:02] Speaker C: He obviously adores you.
[01:16:04] Speaker B: He's very good to me.
[01:16:06] Speaker A: He has a yacht.
[01:16:07] Speaker B: It's not a yacht, Mother.
[01:16:08] Speaker A: It's a boat.
[01:16:10] Speaker C: Did you know Frank and I love.
[01:16:11] Speaker A: That's cute.
[01:16:12] Speaker B: What a coincidence, Scott.
[01:16:15] Speaker C: You two are becoming quite an item.
[01:16:16] Speaker B: Relax. It's totally casual.
[01:16:19] Speaker C: At your age, nothing's casual.
[01:16:22] Speaker A: Tell her father time does not care. I sound like a broken record. At your age, nothing is casual. Ma'am, you don't have time. So is this woman just.
She just wants Sex, I guess, in a. A man around just at her beck and call.
Am I reading too much into it? And she keeps getting great guys. Even a little young guy, you know, he doesn't have anything, but he. He really likes her. So it's not a problem of getting men, it's a problem of keeping men. If she even wants to have a man. So she don't know what you want. All right? So anyway, let's forward. Let's keep moving.
[01:17:03] Speaker C: How's the sex?
[01:17:05] Speaker B: It's none of your business, honey.
[01:17:08] Speaker C: You can tell me. I'm your mother.
[01:17:11] Speaker B: How's the sex with Frank?
[01:17:13] Speaker C: It's great.
[01:17:14] Speaker B: Congratulations.
[01:17:16] Speaker C: You didn't answer my question.
[01:17:19] Speaker A: Well.
[01:17:31] Speaker D: Sir.
Darling, you look absolutely ravishing tonight.
[01:17:41] Speaker B: Thank you.
[01:17:43] Speaker D: Thank you. Thank you for being so beautiful, so charming, so perfectly delightful.
These last few weeks with you have been the best of my life.
[01:17:54] Speaker B: It has been nice.
[01:17:57] Speaker D: We're good together.
We're solid, stable and decisive. You feel it too?
[01:18:07] Speaker B: Yes, I. I guess I just never thought of it quite that way.
[01:18:13] Speaker D: Well, that's the way I want you to feel. I want you to.
No, no, no, no. Bring the 72.
Certainly, sir.
You are an amazing woman, Brenda. You're everything I've searched. Will you marry me?
[01:18:51] Speaker B: Okay.
[01:18:52] Speaker A: Oh, my God.
[01:18:55] Speaker D: I am famished.
[01:18:58] Speaker A: Lord, I saw more enthusiasm when somebody actually co. Signed on a loan for a car.
Wow. Look at it. She look like. Ew.
Like she's sitting across from the creature from the black lagoon. She looks like she is sitting across. I probably have a better look on her face.
She looks totally disgusting.
I love Donna Mills. What is wrong with women? Now let's. Let's analyze this dude. What's wrong with him?
Now I will tell you something again, this is pure fiction. Most of these cats like the dentist because he.
[01:19:41] Speaker D: He.
[01:19:41] Speaker A: He already peaced out. He jumped off the porch. And I'm going to get me a woman I could have a family with. And what her name was Betty Jo. Whatever her name is, he might actually be able to have a child with her.
Most guys in their age range, they're not going for women in their age range. They're going for the young, abroad. So for this guy to even be looking at her because most men would have thought she's too old, okay? But for the sake of this movie, he digs her. Okay, so we gonna go with that? He digs her and what. What's wrong with him? Yes, he has his ways and whatever, but she has her ways. But are they not on the same level? So I'm Also picking up. I think Brenda does not like equality of, of the power dynamic. And I think that's maybe another thing. What do you think that attracted her to the younger guy? She does he. She. She has nothing on these men. She can't impress the dentist or the cardiologist.
She, she, she. She has to be her authentic self, right?
And Brenda, as old as she is, she doesn't know who she is. And she's still. We already said with the mom, the child dynamic, for all her success and wealth, she's very immature.
Alrighty, let's keep it moving along.
Or should I stop it here? God, I'm gonna stop it here. I want you all to finish looking at this movie. It's on YouTube for free. And I will leave the description.
I'm sorry, the link in the description box because I want you all to finish looking at it. We're gonna stop it right there, guys. I enjoyed myself. I know we went a little long today, but I love these kind of movies. Have you have. I'm gonna ask. You know, I. I hope you've seen it. Let us know in the comments.
This is so much fun. And I. And I'm shout out to our audio listeners. Go and check this out. So you can just see the fashions alone. It was such fun walking down memoryland of the 1990s, like really good quality fashions.
And I gonna try to go back and see who did the wardrobe. But let me know what you think about the world's oldest living bridesmaid. I missed this when it's. When this came out. I was in high school, so this probably was over my head on cable. I missed it. Might have been on television. Probably was on television. But did you see it? Tell me. Let me know what you think. And so for our next time together, hopefully Georgia will be back with us. We'll be back together on the 15th. I'm not sure what we're going to be doing. I'm probably gonna do another Late to the Party movie. I think I'm leaning towards a Hetty Lamar.
Oh, what's the name of it? Oh, gosh. Almost said it because I had a little more. One of her last movies. It's also on YouTube. Gosh, go look at it. Let me look and see really quick.
Heather. Lamar.
Last movie.
The Female Animal. That's it. The Female Animal with Jane Powell. And that was really interesting because that was like, I would say like a B list movie.
And let's see if I can. I'll share this screen, which you really Quickly, let's see. We could get an image of it.
Oh no, let's see the female. She was gorgeous and she was so smart too.
And a male movie and yeah, let's take a look at. So. Oh wait, let's do another one.
Okay, this is so I think on.
Okay, I'll share it in a second.
Let's get this image. Here we go.
I think on YouTube is going to pop up with this image instead.
Yeah. And it may have other, other images of it. But yes, I think I'm gonna do this. So Heather Lamar, Jane Powell, Jan Sterling and George Nader. This was a good one and I think I'm gonna.
If we can put another one with this one. So join us, Join me. Hopefully join Georgia and it'll be a surprise for everybody. But anyway, how about the Davis Saved My Life will be in full Effect on the 15th, 1pm and some iteration. Guys, thank you so much for joining. Don't forget to subscribe, share and like and go look at this movie. Go finish looking at it. Let me know what you think in the comment section. I enjoyed this movie.
Do you know how it's gonna end?
I really didn't know. I suspected, but I really didn't know. So I, I thought it was. It did a good job with. It was a suspenseful. But you know, he just didn't really know because I thought the movie could have ended right there with her, with the. The cardiologist. But it did not. So you go and check that out. So. All right. I can't wait to see you all again. You guys take care for how Betty Davis Saved My life. I'm Moya and we will see you next time.
So my fellow stars and starlets, superstars, don't forget to comment. Let us know what you think about these movies. Did you see these movies? Comment, share, subscribe, like, follow, do all that. We really appreciate it. Let's keep these great series and films alive.
So this is Moya for another episode of Late to the Party. Thanks you guys. Looking forward to the next one. You take care.