Women, Control Men with THIS!

Episode 113 August 10, 2024 00:14:28
Women, Control Men with THIS!
How Bette Davis Saved My Life
Women, Control Men with THIS!

Aug 10 2024 | 00:14:28


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"The Users" (1978), starring the gorgeous Jaclyn Smith of "Charlie's Angels" fame, shows us girls how to take advantage of a lifestyle upgrade via rich and powerful men while still being cute!


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[00:00:01] Speaker A: Greetings, everyone. This is Moya with how Bette Davis saved my life with a new segment for how Bette Davis saved my life. Life lessons from classic Hollywood called late to the party. As you can hear, the party's already started. And what I mean by late to the party is recent movies that Georgia and or I have recently seen and you've probably already seen, but we want to talk about them. So sit back, relax and enjoy this brand new segment of how Bette Davis saved my life. Life lessons from classic Hollywood called late to the party. [00:00:47] Speaker B: The users, starring Jacqueline Smith of Charlie Angel, Charlie's Angels fame, and Jacqueline Smith and John Forsythe. So this is a little funny because we, as we all know, who love television history, that John Forsythe was the voice of Charlie on Charlie's Angels. So this movie is, in my opinion, a handbook on how to be feminine and how to support your man. And in the background, while you're still able to assert yourself and you are allowing him to take the lead. And you'll see what I mean in a minute because, you know, it's contextual. But let's talk about this movie. Jacqueline Smith. In the opening movie, you will see her being an extra in a movie. You'll see her being an extra on the set of a movie that stars actually Tony Curtis. Now he's playing another character, but Tony Curtis, it's his movie. It's, he's like a kind of a on his way more down movie star. He's had a couple of flops and, you know, or maybe you don't know in any business if you have some flops or some mishaps or you're not bringing enough money or sales or whatever, you know, they're starting to give you the side eye and they're starting to also show you the door. And so he's on his way out. So he really, really, really needs this movie to be a success. And this is so crazy. So this movie has two things going on that I love. It's a behind the scenes look of how the Hollywood industry works. And it's also, like I said, in my opinion, a how to on how to be a real woman and how to be a lady and have class and support your man. But at the same time, you know, you're still you and you're not letting egos of pride get in your way from a woman's perspective. But anyway, Jacqueline Smith's on this, on this set as an extra. The director, I believe he, I don't want to give too much away he spots. He sees something special in her. I. And what he sees in her allows her to position herself closer to Tony Curtis and help him give a command performance in two different settings, if you will, and makes him successful in the movie. Okay. But during the course of the movie being premiered and all this stuff and all the behind the scenes, he falls. Tony Curtis's movie star falls madly in lust, I mean, love, with Jacqueline Smith's character. And they actually get married. Tony Curtis has a daughter, and her and Jacqueline Smith are almost the same age. They become fast friends. Well, Jacqueline's Tony Curtis daughter, come to find out, is having an affair with the producer and the producers, played by George Hamilton, and. But no one knows it right away. She's half. So Tony Curtis's daughter is having an affair with George Hamilton. He's the producer of the movie, and he's married. Okay. This is great. This is so juicy. All of this is, you know, everything. You know, when George and I talk about movies and we talk about. Or is it Dallas good? Well, this is. This is almost around the time of Dallas, but it's way before Dynasty. Okay, but it's. It is Dallas good? So fast forward, Tony Curtis and Jacqueline Smith are married anyway, so you got that going on. Affair. You got Tony Curtis worrying about his movie during the time that they're waiting to see if the movie is going to be released and all this kind of stuff. There's a lot of pressure on Tony Curtis to be successful. Jacqueline Smith starts positioning herself in Hollywood behind the scenes, and none other than Joan Fontaine, the Joan Fontaine, the classic Hollywood movie star, is in this movie and helps Jacqueline Smith to get position around all these people of wealth and power who can help Tony Curtis's career. So let's just talk about Jacqueline Smith and Tony Curtis's character's marriage. It is not a whirlwind love affair. Tonic Curtis, you know, of course, he's way older than Jacqueline Smith, right? But he's a come up for her. She's respectful of that. She knows that this man needs help. His ego is really fragile. Fragile. And he's a Hollywood star. Okay, me not saying anything else, these people live in Fantasyland. It's all about their ego and their next hit. She recognizes that she does everything she can to help him by behind the scenes, working to connect him with the right people and talking the right talk and everything. And so Joan Fontaine, who is kind of like the, one of the power players, but like gossip people and connectors of that world, helps her, helps her dress. So guys y'all get to go to um, a boutique and of course this is like the mid seventies, like and all this great fashion and such and all the hair and makeup. So you get to see this raster riches story for Jacqueline Smith's character. And by the way, um, going back a little bit, um, her backstory, the character is that her mom is really, really, really ill. So Jacqueline Smith's character takes on a series of jobs that require night work, all right? And then you can see what type of job she has to take that. But those series of jobs that, you know, you have to work at night or overnight work is what I'm trying to say. Well, you could do it in a daytime, you know, you make your own schedule, you know, help lead her to get on that movie set. And here we go with the rest of the story. So yeah, her mom's really ill, so she's her mom's only source of income. So you see what I'm saying? A lot of pressure in her life as well. All right, so let's go back to Hollywood. And so she's had all these, these uh, important, uh, meetings and such and meeting you greeting all these people and um, she runs into John Forsyth's character at one of these important Hollywood meetings. But anyway, so Jacqueline Smith, that's the first meeting with John Forsyth. Well, of course he is, but they don't do anything about it. So fast forward a little bit. Tony Curtis's movie comes out, the powers that be at the studio, they're like, eh, we ain't gonna make no money off of this, you know, this, this month, this movie is not what we want to happen. We're just gonna kind of not shelve it, but just make it for made for tv movie. We're not going to make it a premiere release in theaters. And of course Tony Curtis is because he's a shallow movie star, right? And he then, because he finds this out, he then proceeds to do something very foul and very detrimental to his marriage. That had been going great, great with Jacqueline Smith. She cleaned him up, got him back on a road to Wellville and being virile and just really pulled him out. The mucking of my, if you will, got him out of his depression, all right? But then he goes and does something foul and she catches him red handed. What he does, and she's like, boom, I am out. Well, honey, I'm leaving a lot out because I don't want to give away too much. John Forsyth sees opportunity and a scandal that was the scandal that was a bruin that comes out and I'm gonna stop it right there. But my whole point of this video is that. Look at this video, ladies, if you don't know what all the brouhaha is about, about being feminine, staying in your feminine energy, as far as, as far as it goes, is relating to a man, your man. Look at this movie. It is how to be a wife of a very powerful man when circumstances, I mean, all hell is breaking loose. Let's go with that. And how to stay feminine, how to stay in your role and that if you don't know what those of us who are talking about how to be feminine, how to support your man, how to, even if your man is, you know, on kind of down in the dumps, you know, he ain't got to be a high value man. But if he is a man of worth, everybody has worth. But if you see this man is on a, on a certain trajectory on the web, and he's the star of the show, then you fall back, get in your role, and you support that man. You understand your role because you would want him to do it for you. But that is the role of a wife. You are a helpmate, especially within context. You should be supporting that man. Look at the users. It will all make sense. [00:13:50] Speaker A: So, my fellow stars and starlets, superstars, don't forget to comment. Let us know what you think about these movies. Did you see these movies? Comment, share, subscribe, like, follow, do all that. We really appreciate it. Let's keep these great series and films alive.

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