Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Bette!: "A Stolen Life" (1946)

Episode 98 January 13, 2024 00:39:07
Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Bette!: "A Stolen Life" (1946)
How Bette Davis Saved My Life
Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Bette!: "A Stolen Life" (1946)

Jan 13 2024 | 00:39:07


Show Notes

Bette Davis co-stars with Glen Ford in this drama as twin sisters (Pat and Katie) who are rivals in love and life.

What happens when one of them switches identities with the other to capture the other's man's love?!  



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[00:00:00] Speaker A: Us what is. And, you know, that was one of the dead ringer. What was that? Kind of one of our first videos, I think. [00:00:11] Speaker B: Right. Probably. So, yeah. [00:00:14] Speaker A: First videos where we had, like, pictures and. But. So, Georgia, get us started. Tell us about a stolen life. [00:00:21] Speaker B: Sure. Okay. Well, first of all, I want to say this was a box office hit. Even though the critics didn't really like it as much as everybody else did, she did praise it in her autobiography. And this is also the only time that she produced her own film. She was so overworked that it turned out to be the only film in her career that she ended up producing. So let's get right into the actual plot and the scenario. The action takes place off the coast of Massachusetts. And for those of you who are not familiar with Betty, Betty herself is a native of Massachusetts. Actually, she hails from Lowell, Massachusetts. So she has the perfect accent and intonations for somebody from Massachusetts. Okay, so this is her. Okay. Off the coast of Massachusetts, we have Betty, and she is playing twins. And let me go ahead and explain. Before I get into the plot, let me tell you about the twins. Okay. They are identical twins. They have the same hairdo, the dress alike. They don't talk alike. But anyway, so we have Kate. We have Kate, who is. She's quiet, she's wholesome, she's kind of reserved, she's undemanding, but she's also kind of repressed and a little on the mouthy side. Okay. Then we have her sister Pat. And Pat is glamorous, she's seductive. She wears more makeup. She's kind of selfish, frivolous, kind of thoughtless. And she's kind of a vain vixen. Okay, so now that you know the difference between the two twins. Okay, so Kate arrives in this very picturesque Massachusetts town, and she meets a handsome lighthouse inspector named Bill. And he's played by Glenn Ford. And let me tell you, Glenn Ford is eight years younger than Betty in real life. Okay? So they're immediately attracted to each other. And the next day, he meets the more glamorous pat, and he mistakes her for kind of a dressed up Kate. Okay, so what happens is, when he falls in love with Kate, well, they become rivals for the same man. So, yes, you have a love triangle. And that is until that scheming evil twin of a sister, Pat, steals them away from now. Okay, fate intervenes when Kate and Pat go sailing, and they get caught up in a violent and a sudden violent storm. And as it turns out, only one twin makes it to shore. You guys have to guess which one it is because the other one then tries to steal the other's life. That's how we get the title of stolen life. [00:03:25] Speaker A: I'll take your man. Oh, wow. [00:03:28] Speaker B: I know. So what could go wrong? [00:03:33] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Girl, that is crazy. What a wild. So whilst Georgia was talking about in Georgia, if you have any other trivia, go ahead on, because I'm going to pull up some slides and try to give people some perspective on what's going on. So go ahead, Georgia. [00:04:01] Speaker B: Sure. Yeah. Well, you know, if you like movies that have some music and know, because she picked Max Steiner, she picked her favorite designer, Ori Kelly, to do the costuming. She was also involved with the casting. She originally, they were supposed to have gotten another actor who, you know, his name is Dennis Morgan, but she turned him down. And so they were going to go with Robert Alda. [00:04:30] Speaker A: Okay. [00:04:50] Speaker B: With Rita Hayworth, which he filmed. The very same. The way that they do this is they film the exterior shots, not off New England, believe it or not, but in Laguna Beach, California, where Betty was actually living at the time. And that also is my favorite beach in California. It's so scenic and beautiful. I love it. Anyway, so a little bit more trivia about this movie. There is a couple of things that you really ought to know. This movie was nominated for best special effects, but unfortunately it lost a Blythe spirit. And a lot of people are wondering, they do the technology of this movie so well. To do Betty and Betty in the twins together in the very same frame, the very same scene, they use a technique where they did matting. They would first film Betty in one half of the scene, and then they had it blanked out, and then she would film the other half and they would impose it on the blank side. So you have a split screen, and that's how they did it. [00:06:02] Speaker A: To find something like that, it's crazy. They don't have any of these. Let's see. Do they have any on these pictures that I have? No. Okay, but go ahead, George. I'm sorry. [00:06:17] Speaker B: Oh, that's okay. So this was done at a time when Betty's career, I mean, she acts up a storm. She's doubly brilliant, and she's competing with Joan Crawford, who had just been. She was doing Mildred Pierce at this time. And so after this, it would be four years before she was going to go on to do all about Eve. So this kind of gives you a timeline in her career. Okay. This movie, in some ways, I think it tries to get around the production code. But I want you to be watching to see if you think there's a couple of questions that pop up to see if maybe. Yeah, they kind of did some things to get around it because remember at some had, one of the twins has a relationship with Glenn Ford. But I don't want to spoil it for you. I want you to watch and see what we're talking about. When the two. When they put Betty and Betty together in the same scene, it is electricity. She is amazing in that even though they both seem to look alike, they're identical twins. She brings out in her acting, all these nuances with their mannerisms, the way they speak. She does so much to convince you that these are two separate people. And only a master class actress like Betty can pull it off because she's actually playing three roles. She's doing Kate, she's doing pat, and then she's doing one of the twins playing the other twin. [00:07:55] Speaker A: Right. She sure is. I didn't even think about it, like. [00:07:58] Speaker B: Yes, she is, actually. And so, in a way, you know what it reminded me of when I watched this movie? There's a scene where one of the twins is looking in the mirror, and she says, the other people think gorilla me is dead, and then I am playing this other person. And so it's kind of like Hitchcock in a way, because there's kind of like an identity crisis going on. Okay. To me, I don't know. It just kind of occurred to me that there was something really very interesting going on here that you haven't seen really up to this point. [00:08:42] Speaker A: Okay. [00:08:45] Speaker B: The anxiety of being an imposter, impostor syndrome is what she's going through. Yeah. I just kind of wanted to point that out for you to be watching some of these things. And we have a very interesting character. Some of the people that she brings up, they're just wonderful. She's got Walter Brennan. [00:09:06] Speaker A: Yes. [00:09:06] Speaker B: She's got Charlie Ruggles, who I just love him in this role. [00:09:13] Speaker A: Right. [00:09:13] Speaker B: And then she's got Dane Clark, who plays Carnach. He kind of challenges her. And you wonder if he's going to be a love. [00:09:20] Speaker A: Right, right. And what I'm sharing on screen, and this is shout out to be kind. Rewind. Go and check out her channel. She does this. It's called the doppelganger motif, and she breaks down a stolen life. And we're going to get into it about the modern sensibilities, the relationships between Bill and Pat and Bill and the Catherine. What's her name, the sister? Katie. Katie. Katie. Katie and then just breaks all that down. But she looks at it through a more contemporary lens and to be honest with you, a feminist type lens and you can take it how you want. Um, so go and check out her channel because she has that on there. She did a really good job with that. So you kind of saw Betty in the background playing the two characters. And here's Walter Brennan, like Georgia mentioned before he blew up and became Oscar winner later on in the first in the Humphrey Bogart pictures and so on. And so, George, I just want to go back to what you said, and here's Betty in a two scene with her other twin, Pat and katie. But George, I want to go back to what you were saying about her playing these three roles and what I got out of this, seeing it now because I've seen it maybe three times. And like we say, you always see it through a different lens in a different parts of your life. I saw this more, and we're going to talk about the fashions as well, but I saw this more as not more, but I kind of saw it from the male perspective a lot. How Glenn Ford felt, how the guy who Katie was having, what was his last name? I forget who Katie was having an affair with. No, Pat. Pat. [00:11:38] Speaker B: Girl. [00:11:38] Speaker A: I'm getting confused. When Pat was cheating on Bill, Glenn Ford's character with that guy, I forget his. Know, the guy who said he left his wife and all guys and know we. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. But anyway, looking at it through the men's point of view, did you feel any kind of way or were you focused mainly on the women, how they saw things? [00:12:05] Speaker B: I tried to look at it from both sides because I could see for the first time I thought it was his best acting, too. When he seems to be angry about what's happened, I looked at it in the way of like, here's the life lesson here. The person that can be kind of flirty and kind of fun, are they going to make the best mate for you? And I thought, he learns a very expensive lesson here in the twin that he is with. Okay. And I thought, my gosh, here's this wonderful woman who just, she's so loyal and devoted and know. And I kind of thought it was kind of sexist in a way. When they talk about, well, he tells Katie that she's the cake, but her sister Pat is the frosting on the cake. [00:13:01] Speaker A: Yeah. And that's what be kind. Rewind. Also saying BKR, she felt some kind of way about that. Now let me ask you had he said that differently? Because I got what he meant by it. But do you think he should have said that differently or should have not said that at all? [00:13:19] Speaker B: I think he should not have said it at. And there's a couple of scenes in there where my heart was just breaking for poor know. There's a scene when he asked her to help him pick out a gift for her sister. Oh, my heart was breaking for her. [00:13:36] Speaker A: And like I said, a master class in acting. The look Betty gave him when he said, because she was so happy to see him again, he just did that. And I was like, oh, crap. Oh, my gosh, this is. You moron. But on the other hand. Okay, so let me ask you this as a woman, and I wish Norma was here because we could have got a male's point of view, do you think Pat, the more docile twin, do you think she should have spoken up for herself? Like, does she bear some responsibility of that not going the way she wanted? Because the cousin played by Charlie Ruggles, Charles Ruggles. How do you say his name? He told her why? Why does Pat have to win everything? He told her to go for it. Didn't he shoot a shot? [00:14:35] Speaker B: My answer to that is yes. She should have fought for her man. She should have intervened and told her sister Assam first. Back off or you're in for a fight. Yes, I totally agree. She should have fought for her man. And I do blame her quite a bit for letting her chance at happiness pass her by. One of the scenes that I thought was kind of, oh, this is a scene where, oh, my gosh, Betty, she just so brilliantly, and it just breaks your heart. [00:15:13] Speaker A: Oh, I was like. She handled it like a lady. That's how it was written. But this dude does not have a clue. And so. Oh, he's stupid male, blah, blah, blah. No, he don't do that to a man. Women, we now women, when we do that stuff, a lot of we. So I admit, women, we are more because we're more in tune and we know how to really go for the juggler. Well, the man has the more physical strength. The man. And I'm not saying men on the anthropology is stupid, but women are more cunning when it comes down at that shady stuff. That's a female thing. So we did this to a dude on purpose to make him feel some kind of way. But no, this dude didn't even have a clue how he was insulting this ahead, George, I'm sorry. [00:16:01] Speaker B: There was something very telling. There's the wedding that's going on let me find. Getting ready to throw the bouquet. [00:16:09] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:16:10] Speaker B: And the way she wants to throw it right at her twin sister and the way she kind of steps aside, that's like the big message right there. And I'm going, whoa, here's the wedding. [00:16:19] Speaker A: Here we go. [00:16:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:22] Speaker A: Pat steps aside. I don't know. Oh, here we don't. So there's the wedding. And let's see if I can play it. Yeah, girl. The shade of it all. [00:16:45] Speaker B: Wow. [00:16:46] Speaker A: Wait, let's look at that again. Girl, this is so like Dallas Young and a restless. Bull stuff. [00:16:52] Speaker B: Girl. [00:16:52] Speaker A: That good soap opera. Just cat girl. I love that. That's my favorite scene in the whole movie. Super shady, girl. Just super shady. And again, be kind. Rewind. Does a more contemporary take on it. We more of a feminist view. Now, some things I agree with, some things I don't. But go and look at it. Steve Hayes. Shout out to Steve Hayes, his channel. Go check him out. He does a good review on that. On a stolen life as well. But Georgia, go ahead, girl, because I'll try to find out some more shady. [00:17:38] Speaker B: Know. This movie is just so much fun because it just shows you about relationships because of the folly of trying to bring about something good through a lie and how it will backfire and will just not work. And when you watch the movie, you will see, you know, I did see some progression in the characters, which is, I thought, really a very good thing. I thought through this marriage, Glenn Ford character really grew quite a bit. I could see how Katie herself grew so much, she kind of changed or evolved into a little bit more of a more determined person. The writing was very different. There's a couple of questions I had to ask. Okay. Speaking of shady, I'm sure everybody asked this question. I'm going to say it. Okay. So what was she thinking? Like, when she's trying to pass herself off as her sister and you don't think that he's going to notice, like little subtle things he's not going to. [00:19:02] Speaker A: It's, it's. You got to turn part of your brain off for this. Absolutely. But I think the way they get away with the Georgia is that these people, look, this marriage was doomed from the start because he already got you in the mind that he should be with Katie. Okay. And pat only got with him to spite Katie. All right. We know that because you're right. That's kind of funny right there. I think the way they got away with that is that these people were not having marital relations. These people, it was probably the honeymoon was over as soon as the rice was thrown. When she threw that bouquet, she pretty much, I think, symbolically threw that marriage away. So if you haven't really been living with somebody as a married couple, as man and woman, you don't really know their body. You don't really know how they move and have daily living. So, girl, that was so easy to pull a wool over Glenn Ford if she could have got away. And I guess, like you said, what threw him off because you all haven't been being loving towards each other. Does that make sense or am I reaching. [00:20:24] Speaker B: It makes perfect sense. Yeah, because they were on the point of divorcing anyway, the Ennis are so she's very shocked when she finds out, oh, no, my sister really blew this. And I'm stepping into something that's already, like, it's ending. He doesn't want to have any part of her. She realizes, like, oh, no, maybe the sex was bad. [00:20:45] Speaker A: I don't know. But no, we know that's a lie because let's fast forward. Let's go to the other man. We'll get to the Dane Clark's character as well, but no girl. So, guys, this movie is over like, 70 something years old. So we're trying not to do spoilers, and we're going to try really hard. But apparently Pat was very friendly with the guys. Let's just say that. Right, Georgia? [00:21:11] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:21:12] Speaker A: So it wasn't a sex thing. So I was trying to be funny. But no, the movie. You can't say that. Pat got around. Girl. The scene, I'm trying to find it when Katie, the more docile, sweet sister who Glenn Ford should have been with, girl, when she tells him that she just let him have it. And she said, I don't know how you laughing stock of the whole town. She said, I don't know how you don't know it. And blah, blah, blah. And, girl, look on. Glenn, I saw this on Prime Video. Georgia, where did you see. [00:21:49] Speaker B: It? No, I recorded it from Turner classic movies a while back. That's how. Okay. [00:21:54] Speaker A: Yeah, my library is gone from them. But anyway, yeah, so I saw it on Amazon prime is also on Apple TV, and it's also on YouTube. But, yeah, so Katie. I mean, Pat. Pat, I'm sorry. I'm getting confused when you see Glenn Ford's face when Kate. So he doesn't know? No. Wait. At that point, does he know that she's Katie when she tells him that the whole town's laughing at. No, he doesn't know it. Nope. He doesn't know it. You know what part I'm talking slash? Pat is leaving. She's getting her bags and she's walking out, and he said, oh, okay, you leaving because you back with your boyfriend. She's like, no, that's not it. And he starts going at it, and she just explodes and said, you've been a laughingstock all this time. She said, well, I can't remember. Now, guys, if y'all know, did he know at that point or. He didn't, because I think he had to have known because he started referring to Pat in a third, right? [00:23:11] Speaker B: Ooh, I can't remember for sure. [00:23:13] Speaker A: He got told your woman was for the streets, and it looked like he was about to start crying. Poor thing, girl. I was like, oh, they have torn this poor man apart. Katie with her passivity, Pat with her aggression, and then her past sins, they have toned. So I really felt sorry for Bill only a little bit because he let sex. And now I'm going back to that how men with sex, he let the sexy thing, the tomato, the tomato in ermine, if you will, disguising all her class and Boston blue bloodedness or whatever, get him. And, you know, it was sex against his better judgment. This happens to men. Well, women, too, but in this regard, this happens to men all the time. All the time. They think with the wrong head. [00:24:09] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:24:11] Speaker A: Pick the wrong broad. So let's go back to another guy, because I'm telling you, I just see it through a male's perspective. Now, this is the guy, and I don't feel sorry for him because they're both adulterers who Pat was having an affair with while she was married to Bill, Glenn Ford's character. And this man got this man to divorce his wife. And now Katie, who's acting as Pat is know girl. Be careful what you ask for, because she thought she was going to walk right into Pat's shoes and just start living right. [00:24:48] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:24:49] Speaker A: Didn't know her sister had a whole. This should be called a whole other stolen life. Wowzers. So I felt sort of kind of bad for this dude, but not really because you're an adulterer, sir. But anyway, what are your thoughts on this guy? [00:25:10] Speaker B: He got what he deserved. But, yeah, anyway, I do feel sorry for him because here he divorces his wife because he thinks he's going to end up with Pat and it's not going to happen. So it's like that didn't work out too well. [00:25:27] Speaker A: Did thought at some point, I said, now, at some point, somebody. Now, I'm not advocating for violence, I said, but at some point they either going to shake her like she shook Miriam Hopkins or throw a book at her because, girl, she was doing the absolute most. Pat was wild. Oh, my gosh. So wait, now let's go to the other guy. What did you think about Karnak? And I don't know if we have any pictures of him on here. Let's see. What do you think about his character, Dane Clark's character? [00:26:05] Speaker B: He was kind of irritating at times, to be perfectly honest, because he was very sarcastic, I think almost to the point of being cruel. But he challenged her, which was really good because he was. Know your art could be so much better. It's not there yet. But you know what I didn't like about him? He said something that really disturbed me. And he said something about, like, you're not really a woman. And I think was challenging her because it's like, if you're a real woman, then you're going to respond to me like a woman does to a man. And I think that was like, who's making sexual overtures to her? [00:26:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:26:52] Speaker B: So when he said that, that really bothered me. You don't hit somebody below the belt like that. That was like a really cruel blow. But then after we lose Pat and we just have Katie, do you remember where after he thought she died, he paints that picture of her? And the way it's painted, you can see the depth of his feelings that he had for her. He really must have had strong feelings for her. When you look at that painting, do. [00:27:30] Speaker A: You think they should have went further with that story? Now, was this a book? Because I know you always do the research and I wanted to find, say, was this a book or was this just. [00:27:42] Speaker B: Yes, it was. It was a book. I think it was danish. And it was adapted and they did another movie many years before. So this is actually a remake of that earlier movie. But yes, it was adapted from a. [00:27:57] Speaker A: Okay, okay. And I just had a picture of Dane Clark, but it won't let me go back to. And people like to say he was a poor man's. Poor man's John Garfield. I don't know about all that. I liked his movies. Well, that's him older right here. And I'm trying to find a picture of him in a story. But no, I totally agree with you what you're saying about his character because, girl, I'd have been like, if you don't get out of my face with your pole broke self. [00:28:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:33] Speaker A: And I love how they say that model, she chewed him out. So she was saying what the audience was saying, the model he and Betty Davis were working on. She said everything that we were thinking, like, who are know? So I love that. Again, this movie was very intelligent to me because you were able to read in between the lines. I understood what Dane Clark's character was saying, but I didn't think he had a right to say it. And by Pat being, I mean, sorry, Katie, just know. So sweet and more docile. He got to do it and do that to her. But I don't think his character was really even necessary. What do you think about that? Was his character necessary? [00:29:21] Speaker B: To be perfectly honest, no. They never tie up the loose ends with him very well. And so it was just kind of like they stuck him on there. It was very strange the way there was no resolution to that. It's very od and he's just this broke freeloader guy. She's being nice to him and then he's being all insulting to her. And I thought, well, you can get out of my house. [00:29:44] Speaker A: Absolutely. You can straight up bounce, bro. Absolutely. Before we get out of here, let's talk about the fashion. And I did not find. And I'm going to try to find some more pictures. Let me see some images whilst we're doing that. So my favorite outfit was her when she was in morning, the morning veil. And it was some killer furs in here. I mean, just coats and furs and everything. And so absolutely, I'm down with that. But when she had the morning outfit on and she had the veil, that was to the hat. I love that. So it was Katie who know. I'm sorry. Yeah, it was supposed to be getting confused. It was Pat, Katie acting as Pat, mourning for Kate, moaning for Katie. I'm sorry. I knew I was going to screw it up. I don't even care. I knew I was going to screw it up. But you know the outfit I'm talking about. I'm going to try to find it. [00:31:00] Speaker B: Yeah, I do know which outfit you're talking about. Yeah, she had some killer outfits. I liked who. And you know, what I wanted to also say is with the pants, she really made them look so good. Like Catherine Hepburn. I think she really helped popularize and bring pants back with this. [00:31:17] Speaker A: Yeah. So she wore to. I'll find a few clothes on here. Like I said, there's not a lot. But you're right. The pants, she did do a lot of good pants. [00:31:30] Speaker B: Where? [00:31:31] Speaker A: And they had her. I don't know. Why? This is on a Walmart website. Like, you could buy this dress from Walmart girl. This is hilarious. Let me just share this with you all. So she wore a lot of ruffled off the shoulder ruffle stuff. And we know Betty had a nice size chest. How old was she when she did this, Georgia? [00:32:00] Speaker B: She was in her late thirty s when she did it. [00:32:05] Speaker A: Right. And I kind of saw. Yes. Guys, can you buy this dress at Walmart? Absolutely not. But you can buy the print, apparently. So hilarious. Like I said, I'm going to try to start looking for some more stuff. This hat. When she goes to, let me do a better picture of it. The hat ensemble she has, I love this. And I hope these, they probably were in black. She probably was black because she was in morning. And let me find this one. And she looks really pretty on here as well. So for those of you, shout out to our people who are online listeners. So she has this hat on with this, like, yeah, look at that, Georgia, don't you love that? This is so simple. So it's a little black dress, kind of like an aline dress and this big disc of a hat. But it's not overpowering because Betty Davis has those huge eyes. I hated her hair in this, but I guess that was a style. But what do you think about this outfit? [00:33:16] Speaker B: I love it. And I think that the two little, I don't know if they're buttons or brooches that she has right there at the v neck just perfectly sets it off. I just love it. [00:33:26] Speaker A: Right. And even when she went sailing, let's find, she had some nautical outfits. Let's see if we can find that. And this is a look she would wear a lot even when she got older because I guess because she is from Boston and this is something that attire that they would wear by them going by the water. So she had these. So like you were saying, those pants ensembles, bringing those back really good. And I cannot find that morning outfit that I want to find. But Georgia, we can start wrapping it up because if we talk anymore, I think I will divulge too much. So I will let you start wrapping it up. [00:34:08] Speaker B: I want to end on a humorous note. If any of you are familiar with the Carol Burnett show, they did the most funniest spoof or send up of this movie. And they call it, after you watch this movie, please, I'm telling you, you have to watch Carol Burnett play both the twins. She calls it a swiped life. It is the most hilarious thing. Oh, my gosh. [00:34:38] Speaker A: See if we can find it. Oh, my gosh. [00:34:41] Speaker B: You have to find it. The Carol Burnett show, a swiped life. [00:34:45] Speaker A: Here we go. Let's see. [00:34:47] Speaker B: I saw it. You have to see this because it is the perfect way to cap this movie. [00:34:58] Speaker A: Is. Is it? This one says, hi, Patsy. Girl, we might get copyright. Yeah, this is it. We probably gonna get copyright struck, but it'll be totally worth it. Let's see. Let me pause it first. Girl, I'm glad you brought that up. That's the perfect way to end this. Let's see. We'll probably get copyright struck. [00:35:29] Speaker B: She does Carol for that facial expression so perfectly. It talks to me. You know, it says, hi, Patsy. Did you hear it? It says hyper. [00:35:47] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh, that is so great. [00:35:50] Speaker B: Hyper. Hyper. It says it's lonely, just like me. It's my best friend, Patsy. You will have to admit that there's something a little flaky about a girl your age whose best friend is a lighthouse. [00:36:13] Speaker A: Won't get copyright struck. Probably too late. [00:36:16] Speaker B: But. Girl. [00:36:17] Speaker A: So what's it called? Georgia? Swiped life. [00:36:20] Speaker B: A swiped life. [00:36:22] Speaker A: Hilarious. And I know I've seen it because I've watched Carol probably every episode as a kid. And girl, that's so Mildred. Fierce little foxies. Oh, my gosh. Thank you for bringing that up because Carol Burnett, she's just a national treasure. Just wonderful. Shout out to her. She was on better call Saul at Banner last season, man. And I don't want to do any spoilers, but yes, Carol Burnett was on better call Saul and she wasn't being comedic. She was a bad arse. Okay, you still haven't seen the last season of better call Saul, huh? Georgia. [00:37:04] Speaker B: No, I haven't, girl. [00:37:05] Speaker A: She was on there and she did that. She did that. Well, guys, that is it. Georgia, anything else before we get on out of here? [00:37:13] Speaker B: Nope. That's a wrap for me. Happy new year, everybody. [00:37:16] Speaker A: Happy new year. So go and check out a stolen life with our girl Betty, and let's see what we have coming up for you before we get out of here, Georgia, because we've been trying to do better at putting up our schedule. So if you go to our Facebook page, you will see the schedule for the up until, I believe, until February. But our next movie, our next live, hopefully, if streamyard and Facebook can do it, will be taxi driver, starring none other than Mr. Rob de Niro in his younger years, one of his just groundbreaking performance as Travis Bickle. So we're going from extreme to, I mean, this is a total shift, right? [00:38:03] Speaker B: Oh, completely. You couldn't be more further away. [00:38:07] Speaker A: I know. Absolutely. So taxi driver on the 20th, and then more Betty on the 3 February. Hush, hush, sweet Charlote. So mark your calendars live on Facebook. Hopefully our tech works with us. Taxi driver, 01:00 p.m. Central standard. Then on the third more Betty with Hush, hush. We Charlotte. Thank you, guys. Like us on Facebook, we're on all the podcast platforms. Apple I heartstune. But if you go on our Facebook, at the top of our page, it's pinned. You can catch everything. Thank you guys so much. We appreciate you. Have a wonderful, wonderful time. Till we see you next time. So, I'm Moya. [00:38:52] Speaker B: And I'm Georgia. [00:38:53] Speaker A: Thank you so much for tuning in to how Betty Davis saved my life. Life lesson from classic Hollywood. Take care.

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