Amazon Prime's 2020 sweet, classy, and jazz music filled ode to classic Hollywood romantic films is just right for any movie fan from any era. "Sylvie's Love" is a modern day cineamtic unicorn in its unique approach to "urban" love stories. Set in late 50's early 60s Harlem, N.Y., enjoy, this rarely seen portrayal of people of color in love. "Sylvie's Love" is a true treat and delight.
Bette Davis co-stars with Glen Ford in this drama as twin sisters (Pat and Katie) who are rivals in love and life. What happens...
John Wayne begins his rise to iconic movie superstar in THEE blueprint for all westerns that followed in this standard classic co-starring the one...
Barabara Stanwyck. Burt Lancaster. You'll need a manicure after this 1948 nail biter!